
348 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Vayigash Ailav Yehuda 5668 – Class 02

Beginning of (first sugia of) Yerida Tzorech Aliya- to reveal the shoresh of Koach haMachshava. 4 types of Neshamos and all (even the highest) are effected when coming into the world a body and nefesh Tivii. Page 490-2, NEW SV p. 646-8.

347 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Vayigash Ailav Yehuda 5668 – Class 01

1) Birurim have three steps: A. In the beginning Hashem is Mivarer from above creating Tikun, B: Then (due to the chet eitz hadaas) there is our birur as we are invested in the creation, C: The final re-elevating to Tikun. The third is the idea of Yosef: “Birur Sheini milaala Limata”. 2) Review of…

346 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ain Omdin Lihispalel – Class 08

Conclusion of the Sugia of Neshamos Yisroel coming from Keilim on the four levels discussed. In Lifnei HaTzimtzum itself the Neshama’s shoresh is from the highest levels lifnei haTzimtzum. Page 485-6, NEW SV p. 639-41.

345 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ain Omdin Lihispalel – Class 07

The difference between Keilim of A”K and Lifneim Hatzimtzum is the difference between Atzilus and Bria diKlolus, Afisas HaMetzius vs. Efshari HaMetzius. Explanation. Page 484-5, NEW SV p. 637-9.

344 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ain Omdin Lihispalel – Class 06

The fourth level for the source of Neshamos Yisroel: Ein Sof that’s before the Tzimtzum (HaRishon). The mashal of a stone engraved on one side versus the Luchos that were engraved all the way through. Chakika on one side has 1) Makom Achiza Ktzas, 2) The space of the letters can be filled with ink…

343 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ain Omdin Lihispalel – Class 05

End of the discussion of Shoresh of Neshamos in (Osiyos Atzmiim) of Keser. Koach HaMachshava which is higher than Osiyos HaMachshava and certainly than Osiyos HaDibur. Page 482-3, NEW SV p. 635-6.

342 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ain Omdin Lihispalel – Class 04

Keilim of Keser cont. Osiyos Atzmiim reveal the Atzmus of the Ohr [As it is in relationship with itself]. Biur of how even Ein Sof of Keser affects the worlds for good and for bad. Page 479-81. NEW SV p. 633-5.

341 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ain Omdin Lihispalel – Class 03

Keilim of Keser. Two mishalim allow us to understand the quality of these Keilim, that are like Chakika- a Tzimtzum that is not from the outside of itself but a “Darkness within the light itself”. [like the idea of Ote’ Ohr KaSalma]. 1) Ohr lifnei HaTzimtzum vs. LiAchar HaTzimtzum, 2) Pnimiyus A”K (Atik) vs. Chitzoniyus…

340 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ain Omdin Lihispalel – Class 02

Keilim of Atzilus, how they reveal yet conceal the Ohr that goes into them making it in the Keilim’s Tziyur. Page 478-9. NEW SV p. 630-32.

339 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ain Omdin Lihispalel – Class 01

The G-dliness of Keilim. It is easier to relate to the reality (Metzius) of Keilim than to Ohr, as Keli is a defined Metzius while Ohr is P’shitus. Thus the meeting of Ohr and Keli, though both are G-dly is the meeting of two incompatible things and inevitably affects a Tzimtzum. Page 476-8. NEW SV…