
Class 56

Page 76 (14-17). Introduction: נשמות and מלאכים: the מלאכים are only capable of wanting Godliness, while the נשמות can make themselves כלים to receive the light. Among מלאכים there are also differences: those who understand what they seek (שרפים) and those who have no idea what they seek (אופנים). Both are urgent but the first…

Class 55

Page 76 (13-14). מסירת נפש ומסירת הגוף (מסירת נפש דר’ עקיבה אהבה דבכל מאדיך (מסירת בגוף) ומ”מ בשעת יציאת הנשמה אמר אחד (מסירת הגוף The idea of מסירת נפש is explored on two levels, where one is uplifted by it (נשמה) where one is sacrifices by it (גוף) though each happens with the other there…

Class 54

Page 76 (12-13). Two Points: One: The עבודה of רצוא ושוב is explained in two ways: 1) It is necessary for the person to put aside his selfish interest for the ideal interest of the creator who desires דירה בתחתונים. 2) The cycle of movement helps deal with the lack of complete efficiency (התיישבות) in…