
Class 53

Page 76 (11-12). Two more levels of רצוא ושוב: In אצילות the רצוא ושוב is based on closeness, it is close enough to the אין סוף to desire to be included in it. In בי”ע the רצוא is from the distance which creates a צמאון to the אין סוף.

Class 52

Page 76 (10-11). רצוא ושוב after the כלים form, so that the אור shouldn’t destroy them This is the third of five ideas of רצוא ושוב. The second and third רו”ש have the problem that the שוב is before the רצוא. The Rebbe resolves this using the Possuk מגדל עוז שם הגדול גו’ שם ירוץ…

Class 51

כלים Part Two. Page 76 (9-10). This class also explains the second of two ideas about כלים: that the creation of actual כלים and different worlds of כלים requires רצוא ושוב of אור.

Class 50

כלים Part One. Page 76 (9). This class explores what כלים are: They may come through אור and often אור is credited with creating it, but in truth it comes directly from עצמות. As the Alter Rebbe says in אגרת הקדש סימן ה that הנפש עצמה מלאה אותיות. This class also explains the first of…

Class 49

אורות Page 76 (8-9). This class explains two ideas about Ohr. 1) צמצום הראשון בבחי’ סילוק is necessary according to both opinions in אוא”ס: whether we go in the opinion of אורות פשוטים or the opinion of אורות מצויירים, to both the first צמצום must be through סילוק לגמרי at least for the sake of…

Class 48

Page 76 (7-8). רצוא ושוב us the means through which אור אין סוף comes into the worlds (צמצום) and remains אין סוף. The question is whether רצוא which is גבורה comes first or שוב which is חסד comes first. The conclusion is that לפני הצמצום before creation רצוא/ גבורה comes first. On this basis, he…

Class 47

Page 76 (6-7) אור אין סוף. The question: is it from אין סוף (and איו סוף means God) or is the light itself אין סוף? In the class, the Samach Vov was referenced. We explored how by using the idea of אור מעין המאור we can satisfy the אר”י ז”ל and the רמק. It comes…

Class 46

Page 76 (5-6) Teacher and father help explain אור and עצם.

Class 45

Page 76 (4-6). Ohr Ein Sof Is Ratzo VaShov for there to be a world. What is Ohr Ein Sof? 1) like sunlight, 2) like light of the eye that sees, 3) like the color on an apple. All these examples don’t fully explain Ohr. It is altogether not the Source and altogether the source.

Class 44

Page 76 (4). Two types of Ratzo VaShuv: 1) from creations (angels) renewing their bond with their Life-source, 2) Life from Hashem coming into creation. These two are 1) from the bottom (Ratzo first) up; 2) from the top (Shov first) down. Malchus of Malchus of Ein Sof, and Tiferes of Malchus of Ein Sof.