Class 23
Page 41-3. Voice is different than words, the Kolos are voices, The mystical idea of voice, between emotion and revelation. The Kolos from down up- Prayer, and from up down- Torah. ‘Ani’ (Tefilla) two ideas in ‘Ani’ Yeshus and Bittul and their disconnectedness. Nafshi, two opposites as well. Prayer to fill a lack on high,…
Class 22
page 26-7. Three levels in Malchus and how they parallel the three ideas of Machshava, Koach HaMachshava, and Yedias Atzmo BiAtzmuso.
Class 21
Page 24-6. How the three levels in thought mirror the three levels of Malchus before the Tzimtzum. The uniqueness of (the Mashal of thought and the Nimshal of) Malchus.
Class 20
Page 23-4. Machshava, Koach haMachshava and Yedias atzmo BiAztmuso. Three levels of thought are discussed and the difficulty of using thought as an example is pointed out. The three levels are very far apart.
Class 19
Page 20 ff. The four elements, Fire is Atzilus and Wind is Briah, Why? Fire and light are removed from all other material, but even Atzilus is still a world.
Class 18
Page 20-23. Yiras Shamayim means higher than Atzilus. Havaya is Atzilus, the four letters of His name, the four elements etc. Shamayim is above all that. In this class we explain the Universe in the Jewish model from Shfailim to Yesodos (Tzuros) but as other Rishonim contend this is the world of the Shaidim (spirits)…
Class 17
Page 19-20. Na’aseh ViNishma, Kabbalas Ol Malchus Shamayim and Kabbalas Ol Mitzvos. Kabbalas Ol and the Ta’anug Atzmi of Mitzvos. The highest Ta’anug is unknowable and the Godliness of Kabbalas Ol comes from a similar place in the Neshama.
Class 16
Page 17-18. Only Yidden can make Hashem a King, because they are rooted in Atzmus. Malachim and Elokus are too distant from Atzmus to be able to arouse His Ratzon for Melucha.
Class 15
Page 16. This class explores free will as the Rebbe sees it it is not based on reason, but is from the essence. The question of how free will can exist where there is no balance is explored. A pdf is included which was referred to in the class.
Class 14
Page 15-16. The fourth idea of Bchirah (Free will): The mind provides choices and the Yechida chooses (breaks the tie). If Yechida is revealed, one has only one choice. If the Yechida functions subliminally, a person has two intellectual options that are equal (as he has both good and evil in himself) and then the…
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