Ranat Class #23
כל הנקרא בשמי וכבודי בראתי יצרתי ועשיתי Sh’mi goes on Atzilus. K’vodi goes on Malchus of Atzilus , Dibbur and Yesh MeAyin. Speech vs Thought: a) we speak intermittently, b) Speech goes out of you, and 3)the Letters themselves are less aidel than letters of thought. Usually the moshol for YESH MeAyin is Dibbur (Speech)…
Ranat Class #22
Moshol for Olam HaBeriah is Dibbur A moshol for Olam HaBeriah is Dibbur – Tzimtzum. The Nefesh is an Atzmi that is it exists only for itself. But in order to function in the world, in the guf, there needs to be Giluy HaNefesh to the guf. Every Giluy HaNefesh requires Letters. Every level, Taanug,…
Ranat Class #21
Atzilus 2 Is our Maamar based of the Pardes’ view of Atzilus or on the Etz Chaim’s view? Atzilus is Oros Ain Sof (bli gvul) and Kelim that are g’vul. How can this be reconciled. PARDES – This is the RaMaK: the world was created with 2 tools – 1) Oros are completely p’shitus, and…
Ranat Class #20
Atzilus 1 In the Hemshech – Shuva Yisroel, Lulav, and Shemini Atzeres explain what would have happened if midas haDin alone would have created the world. Bereishis, Lech Lecha and Vayera explain what happens when Din is mixed with Rachamim. Shuva Yisroel, the third maamar, describes the best kind of Din, higher than Rachamim. The…
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