
Samach Tisamach 5657 – Class 03

Page 3. How emotions form: 1) we see and respond to what we saw 2) We imagine and visualize and react to that. 3) Things we cannot and we can’t even imagine we must attempt to understand and then think about the understanding we had to develop feelings of love and awe etc for the…

Samach Tisamach 5657 – Class 02

Page 1-3. תענוג ושמחה The experience of Joy is 1) revealed, 2) limited (?), 3) affects reaction and passion- the opposite of rest. The experience of Delight is 1) hidden, 2) infinite, 3) affects rest. Why and how. They parallel Bina and Chochma respectively.

Samach Tisamach 5657 – Class 01

Page 1-2 Chochma, Bina and Pnimiyus Bina.

Class 54

Summary of the first ma’amar. The following three classes are on the next Ma’amar (Ha’umnam) and a summary of the third Ma’amar of this Hemshech, VeHinei Ksiv. They are from 5763/2003. They are being included (unedited) as they are not found in the 5766 series of these classes and would benefit many. Class 54A. Perek…

Class 53

16 Memalei Kol Almin – maashal from the neshama. Review: Zman and Makom Atzmi vs Zman and Makom that can be counted. One space for all Nivraim (Sovev) or each nivra makes its own space (memale). Is the Aibishter the Source of the world? The Source needs creation to be fulfilled and exist. So the…

Class 52

15 Makom #3 – Types of makom, what the argument is about. Time and Space are creations. Others say that Time and Space don’t exist at all. Physical space is memale Kol Almin, Ruchniusdike space is Sovev. Neshamas come from Memale. the Chomer, the Guf comes from sovev. Makor (source) exists for what will come…

Class 51

14 Makom class #2 The idea of makom. The chidush that it is a nivra. Does everything have its own personal space (memale kol almin) or is there one big universal space for the whole creation (sovev kol almin?) Both are True. Time and Space are creations, but normally a metzius pushes away another metzius….

Class 50

13 Reb Brachya p.91, 94-5. Makom, class #1. 2 Opinions. What is it that we can understand from this fact that the Aibishter likes it down here, and that Atzmus is shining in the Beis HaMikdash? A nes breaks nature. Nimna nimnaos is impossible. It is a manifestation of Atzmus. There is both world and…

Class 49

12 Reb Brachya p.100-101. Beis Hamikdash – Atzmus (continued). Philosophers say things are impossible for Hashem. Yesh laminaos teva kayam. Mystics say that Nothing is impossible for Hashem. A Yid in the Beis Hamikdash saw an expression of the Aibishter in the aron. He felt Atzmus. The Tzemach Tzedek said that also the other kelim…

Class 48

11 Reb Brachya, p. 90-91, 100-101. Atzmus in Beis Hamikdash – Nimna Hanimnaos. Ain Sof as it relates to itself (not shining in a vessel) is revealed in the Beis Hamikdash. The question is not How can Hashem do this?, He can do anything. The question is can we understand a little bit of it?…