This Ma’amar is a Hemshech to the previous one. Vayehi Bayom HaShmini 5715
Class One. The Hemshech continues. The Ma’amar wishes to explain Tzimtzum to us, so we will understand the significance of reversing it in revealing Godliness in the ‘space’ of the Tzimtzum when Moshiach comes. To explain this he begins (indirectly, by) discussing what is ‘before’ (Godliness is simple and worldliness must be learned) and ‘after’…
A Hemshech (2 Maamarim, 3 classes).
Tefilla LiDovid 5747. This Kapital was the Rebbe’s from 11 NISSAN 5747-5748. The Rebbe’s maamar explores the very heart of the Kapital: it is 86 which corresponds to the divine name Elokim. The Maamar adresses 3 levels of Elokim and how each is sweetened by Havaya. It concludes with the notion of the sweetening of…
A Hemshech (2 Maamarim, 3 classes). Kimai Tzaischa Ma’Eretz Mitzrayim 5745.
(A 11 Nissan Ma’amar). Class One. The first half of this Ma’amar explains the idea that we continue to leave Mitzrayim in space and in time (as we journey through our history and move from place to place) until Moshiach comes. He explores the highest source of Mitzrayim in the highest levels of Lifnai HaTzimtzum,…
This is (being taught) as the third Ma’amar in a Hemshech.
וידבר אלוקים ה’תשמ”ב. This Ma’amar was taught as the third part in a series on Moshiach. In this class we explore Moshiach as a teacher of Torah. All revelation must follow Mitzrayim and concealment in order to reveal. Torah of Moshiach on the level of vision follows the darkness of Galus and the preparing for…
Samach Tisamach 5657 1 page 1-7
This Hemshech (series) was said in a week! The week the Previous Rebbe got married in Elul 5657 (1897) in Lubavitch.
Class 00 Hemshech Rab Brachya 5643
Three discourses given by the Rebbe Rashab on 3 successive Shabbosim during the year (1882-3) covering the topic of the Beis Hamikdash (the Temple). The following questions are explored: 1. Why would G-d prefer our service to Him in the physical world to what transpires in the spiritual worlds? 2. What does it mean that…
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