
להבין ענין הילולא דרשב”י ה’תש”מ.

Hemshech Part Two. Three levels of הילולא which means the joy of a wedding. 1) The union of נשמות on high before they come into this world (this is the lowest level even though it is in the spiritual worlds). Example for this from the Mitteler Rebbe’s joy (and his father’s objection). 2) Physical marriages…

RaShBI (Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochaii).

This Tanna has a Yom Tov (holiday) all his own that all Yidden keep. The question is (still) only why (exactly). 1. RaShBI (5766). The Tzaddik who insisted his histalkus (passing) be a great joy and merited to have his desire continued for nearly two millenium. Some details about this extraordinary Tanna based on a…