
Gid HaNasheh (Yeshivah 5781/ 2020)(05)

Gid HaNasheh (Yeshivah 5781/ 2020), Class Five.The second Zohar (Part 2a):Nevua is explained here (no text is read). First we discussed the idea of Yechidus and the conscious meeting of Nefesh and Nefesh; Ruach and Ruach and Neshama and Neshama; versus the subconscious meetings of Chaya and Chaya and Yechida and Yechida.We then correlated this…

Toras Menachem – 10 Shevat 5714 (01)

Class One. Page 27-30 Hishtatchus, a new idea: The Rebbe stays with his people as Moshe stayed with his flock to continue assisting them (even) after the Histalkus.

3. Hishtatchus Ma’amer (5779/ 2019)

3. Hishtatchus Ma’amar (5779/ 2019) This class was given on a trip to Russia. It includes text reading from the Mitteler Rebbe’s Ma’amar on Hishtatchus. Five levels of Hishtatchus1) Reminder of mortality2) Teshuva and remembering the Tzadikim in the cemetery3) Loved ones arouse sadness and remorse4) Neshama and Neshama connection5) Souls connect and there is (even)…

1. Maamar of Hishtatchus (5767).

A discussion by the Mitteler (second) Rebbe on what it means to go the grave site of a Tzaddik. He explains five levels of this experience. Thought on Hishtatchus (5776/2015). Five minutes.