
HaYom Yom – 11 Menachem Av (2)

Hayom Yom 11 Menachem, Class Two.Some more on Reb Hilel and Hiskashrus.The Alter Rebbe’s decision to “go into Galus”.The decision to go to Mezritch; the condition (that he would would find Niglah).His brother has to go back.The Alter Rebbe goes alone.Messages from the Ba’al Shem Tov.

Toras Menachem – 12 Tammuz 5717 (12) – Sicha Six (02)

Class Twelve. Page 131-3. Hiskashrus should (therefore) be in all aspects of oneself.

10 Shvat STORY (and preparation) (5780) – Part 01

10 Shvat STORY (and preparation) (5780) Part One: Some history and some sense of the seriousness and awesomeness of the times and the date today.“Hiskashrus” is about us.

Farbrengen Beis Nissan 5776 (2016) – Class 02

Part Two. Hiskashrus, to be with his Chassidim at the moment of Histalkus. What is Hiskashrus?

Farbrengen Beis Nissan 5776 (2016) – Class 01

Part One. Hiskashrus of our Rebbe and Beis Nissan.

11 Nissan 5772 (2013) Farbrengen.

(Beis Rivka High School) 11 Nissan talk. six stories in three categories: A. Kiruv. 1) Reuven Dunin’s story, 2) Velvel Green’s story. B. Mesiras Nefesh, 3) The Yid in Romania and Rabbi Hirshprung, 4) Reb Yossef Mochkin, the six day war, ‘bicharbi uvikasgti’. C. Hiskashrus, 5) Reb Mendel’s ‘Pan BiMachshava’, 6) Haber, Paris, the Rebbe…

Bais Nissan, “The Rebbe Nishmaso Eden” (5777).

Can we find in the way the Rebbe commemorated Bais Nissan a lesson in Hiskashrus?