
Class Fifteen.

Rabbi Schneer Zalman of Liadi, “The Alter Rebbe”. Kabbalah with a philosophical form. We’re closest to G_D on earth, Action is much more important than intent.

Class Fourteen.

The Chassidic Movement. Rabbi Yisroel Ba’al Shem Tov. The epicenter of Judaism is the Jew not Judaism. The lowest world is the point of everything.

Class Thirteen.

Rabbi Yeshaya Halevi Horowitz.

Class Twelve.

Rabbi Chayim Vital. The other students of the Arizal also write. The Shmona Sheurim.

Class Eleven.

The great Arizal. Hakdamos and Kavanos. Tzimtzum, Kabbalah Ma’asis.

Class Ten.

Rabbi Moshe Kordova. The Pardes Rimonim.

Class Nine.

Rabbi Meir Ben Gabbai, The Avodas HaKodesh.

Class Eight.

The Zohar reappears.

Class Seven.

The RaMbaN, Nachmonedes.

Class Six.

Kabbalah’s dark age.