
Letter 25 Class 3 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh

This third class on Igeres HaKodesh 25 begins with an introduction translating three words: 1) Kav, 2) Shechina, 3) Hislabshus [two types]. The four worlds and how they are different from one another. Klipa is also (and equally) from Hashem in a hidden way. This is the Arizal’s view and any questions regarding this should…

Letter 25 Class 2 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh

Achdus Hashem based on the principle of Yesh Meayin being every second. The class discussed the “proofs” for Hashem in three steps, A. The Tzura (order and intelligence of the design of creation) couldn’t possibly be random and chance, B. The Yesh MaAyin question (was there primordial material that is a kadmon or was it…

Letter 25 Class 1 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh

Defending the Baal Shem Tov’s teaching (in Tzava’as HaRivash) on the link between anger and Avoda Zara (which is a Zohar). The idea is considered controversial at the time and the Alter Rebbe explains and defends his teacher’s teacher: Everything comes directly from Hashem.

Letter 24 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh

Davening is the time G-d shows Himself. We should at least act respectful. Not to talk when the king shows Himself. It is most disrespectful.

Letter 23 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh

Iggeres HaKodesh 23. When ten Yidden are together, the Shechina joins them (hashraa). One must behave appropriately.

Letter 22b Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh

1) Davening should involve (even) Mesiras Nefesh and Akshanus. 2) Ahavas Yisroel on the inside (not to judge!) not only on the outside.! Then the two areas of man and G-d (prayer) and man and man (loving fellow) are one.

Letter 22a Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh

The Rebbe Chossid relationship. What role do miracles play in Chabad Chassidus. The Alter Rebbe is disturbed by people using their relationship with him for miracles and material needs. When your father slaps you don’t turn your back. This is a powerful letter.

Letter 21 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh

Iggetres HaKodesh 21. Tzedaka 1) Give often Hakol Lfi Rov HaMaase’, 2) Early Zrizus, 3) The meaning behind this is understood by analyzing a. Rambam (Midos Tovos), b. Kabala (Ereetz HaChayom is redeemed) c. The unity between the two ideas.

Letter 20 Class 4 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh

Action. Mitzvos are the main thing though in Hishtalshelus Torah is higher. Connection to Rosh Hashana and Kabalas Ol.

Letter 20 Class 3 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh

The answer: Two concepts explain how the “Koach HaAtzmus” [for Yeshus] manifest through Hishtalshelus: 1) Ohr MeAin HaMaor (the light not only reflects; but is also bottul to Atzmus) allowing it to carry(in a latent way) the Koach HaAtzmus (for Yeshus). 2) “Koach NeElam” of Malchus carries from Atzmus the Hidden (higher) possibility for separation….