
382 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Siyum Hadrush – Class 01

Siyum HaDerush: [the Shiur follows the four steps of Davening: 1) shofar 2) pesukie Malchiyos, 3) Zichronos, 4) Pesukei Shofros]. This Shiur explored two points: 1) Shofar is Bitul Atzmi and Kabalas ol Atzmi and reaches (only) Etzem of Ohr Ein Sof. Shofar must come first because without it nothing would matter. 2) Pesukei Malchiyos-…

360 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Hikavtzu ViShimu – Class 10

This shiur really revisits the very foundations of the present discussion about the Neshama’s ascent from Tehora (Keilim, Garmohi) to Kedusha (Ohr, Chayohi). The class explores 1) Ihu ViChayohi Chad (Ohr’s relationship to Ein Sof), 2) Ihu ViGarmohi Chad (Keilim’s connection to Ein Sof), 3) Ihu ViChayohi ViGarmohi Chad (how the meeting of Ohr and…