
024 Samech Vov (First Version) – Bayom Hashmini Atzeres – Class 04

Continuation from Previous shiur:Chitzonius system – Shefa – Ila v’Alul – from Mehus to Mehus. Each step is a different metzius.Pnimius system is mochin v’middos d’gadlus. Each step is connected to the Etzem and is Bilti Metzius. There is no contradiction to the level above or below.In the ע”ב, it explains two systems of ila…

Class # 32

Part 14: Inside p. 39. YESH MEAYIN / ILA V’ALUL Cont. Yesh meayin = yesh meyesh. ILA V’ALUL is involved in seder hishtalshelus. Examples: 1) potter’s clay egg changed to a bowl. or 2)Sechel and Middos. Middos already exist in Sechel, only they come out in the heart. YESH MEAYIN – the AYIN is from…