Likutei Sichos – Vol 36 p 033 ff – Reasons why the Makkos were necessary (02)
VaEra Exile and Redemption (088) Three levels of understanding the (need for) the Makkos: 1) To get Yidden out of Egypt. That would not happen until Egypt got to know Hashem, this is the reason Hashem needed to punish Egypt. 2) To educate Egypt about Hashem for Egypt’s sake. 3) To give Yidden a deeper…
Likutei Sichos – Vol 36 p 033 ff -Reasons why the Makkos were necessary – Introduction
VaEra Exile and Redemption (087) The Makkos were needed to get Yidden out of Egypt but they had deeper purposes as well.
Likutei Sichos – Vol 36 p 007 ff – What merit entitles the Jews to be redeemed?
Shemos Exile and Redemption (078) What is the answer to Moshe’s question: What merit entitles the Jews to be redeemed? Answer: the waiting and anticipating was already actual in Egypt.
Likutei Sichos – Vol 21 p 038 ff – Frogs
Vaeira Exile and Redemption (095) The frogs represent an in-between state: creations that are neither helpful nor harmful, that are philosophically worse than both extremes. Like an in- between level of faith. They too declared אחדות השם.
Likutei Sichos – Vol 21 p 010 ff – Yidden’s Wealth (02)
Shemos Exile and Redemption (079)(080) Two reasons for Jews to get the wealth they took from Egypt: 1) To punish Egypt. 2) To reward them. This latter reason requires it to be given with benevolence.
Likutei Sichos – Vol 21 p 010 ff – Yidden’s Wealth Introduction
Shemos Exile and Redemption (079) The wealth must come to the Jews in a way that pleases Avrohom Avinu.
Likutei Sichos – Vol 36 p 026 ff – Makka of Boils
Vaeira Exile and Redemption (100) A unique characteristic of מכת שחין was that it was performed in a way that could be seen as natural. This is part of how Hashem taught Egypt about Himself.
Likutei Sichos – Vol 30 p 249 ff – Yosef’s Death
VaYechi The Tribes (60) Likutei Sichos – Vol 30 p 249 ff Yosef’s death marks the end of Braishis because the substance of Shmos- exile to conquer the world must be inspired and initiated by the Avos. Yosef’s death and Golus empower those who follow after him.
Likutei Sichos – Vol 20 p 228 ff – Yaakov wishes to reveal the Keitz
VaYechi The Tribes (58) Likutei Sichos – Vol 20 p 228 ff Ya’akov wishes to tell his children when the Geula will come and they will leave Egypt. But God doesn’t let him. How could they both be correct [as Ya’akov is a Merkava and above error]?? The answer is perspective: Ya’akov hopes to encourage…
Likutei Sichos – Vol 15 p 432 ff
In Galus there are two ‘first borns’: Yosef’s first born is Menashe: to remember from where you come and not to be influenced by the environment you are in. Ya’akov’s first born is Ephrayim: to succeed and prosper and take something from the Exile and to ultimately transform it. Yosef therefore objects to the switching…
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