Toras Menachem – 20 Av Shabbos Ekev 5713 (03)
Class Three. The story of the letter that went unanswered because the Frierdike Rebbe felt it had no relevance to the one asking the question in Avoda. We must do iskafia. It is equal to the ‘Chosid Sorfun’ mesiras nefesh and we cannot put one ahead of the other. Only introspection truly makes a mentsch….
23. Hei Lachma Ania 5739
In this Maamar the Rebbe adds a fifth level above the four levels of Geula discussed above. More specifically it breaks down into: 1) Iskafia and Ishapcha (the 2 ideas of מצה or סור מרע ועשה טוב) 2) which then becomes four: סור מרע ועשה טוב in Torah and mitzvos which radiate from סור מרע…
Basi Ligani 5732 (5772/2012).
Class One. Basi Ligani 5732 is (perhaps) a follow up to the end of Basi Ligani 5712. There he concluded chapter 4 with the idea of Yiddishkeit without any intellectual reason or any reciprocity at all. This entire Maamar revolves around the following idea: Perek 1 spoke of bringing G-dliness down and making Him a…
Basi Legani 5731, (5771/ 2011).
Part One. Ikar Shechina BiTachtonim Haysa. Part Two. Yerida Tzorech Aliya (even from sin) reveals the maala of “helem”. Part Three. Iskafia brings down Ohr that is higher than the Tzimtzum, Ishapecha qualifies the world as a vessel to recieve it.
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