Isa Bizohar Ziman Chada 5746.
RaShBI made it rain by saying a Torah on the Possuk Hinai Ma Tov UMa Naim Sheves Achim Gam Yachad. There are three ideas here 1) Sheves Achim 2) Yachad 3) Gam Yachad.
Lehavin Inyan RaShBI 5745.
Class One. The first half of this Mugadiker Ma’amar addresses the idea of ‘Shvachim’ (praise or flattery) we give to Hashem to arouse Him to give us (K’vayachol) and how this was reflected in the Tanaim who flattered RaShBI. What is unique to the Rebbe’s version of the Ma’amar is that he explains that the…
איתא בזהר זימנא חדא ה’תשמ”ב.
This classic Lag BaOmer Ma’amar is repeated here. חיי עולם וחיי שעה- תורה ותפילה, תפילה וברכה Torah from the top down vs. Tefilla from the bottom up. RaShbI was one of those individuals whose Torah could change the world and it is without much effort. He was (both) lifted up and brought down by the…
אם בחוקותי תלכו ה’תשמ”א.
This is primarily a ל”ג בעומר Ma’amar. בחוקותי means תורה that results in a physical change in the world as it says ונתתי גשמיכם בעתם. The Torah that makes it rain is the level of רבי שמעון בר יוחאי. This is, of course, the story in זהר where through תורה ושבחים of רשב”י it rained….
Farbrengens – Lag B’Omer
The day Before (5768).17 IYAR/32 Baomer ends reason. 32 is highest level of (“the 32 alleys of) Chochma. 33 is transcendence. This is part of the idea that this (day 33) is connected to RaShBI. Lag Ba’omer talk (5770). Lag BaOmer parades; how religious is Jewish pride? More than you could possibly imagine.It wakes up…
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