
Tiku 5747.

This Rosh Hashana Maamar explains that though all things, including time (and space) itself are renewed from nothingness every second some things, moments and people (Yidden) are special. All these come together to crown Hashem as King on Rosh Hashana.

Vehaya Bayom Hahu Yitaka… 5746.

Class One. The middle of the Maamar Vahaya bayom hahu (the beginning and the end will be in the next shiur IYH) deals with the pisgam (from Siddur) Ze HaYom Techillas ma’asecha zikaron LiYom Rishon. Is our Rosh Hashana higher or lower than the one Hashem inspired in the beginning of time ‘Ki Chafetz Chesed…

Tiku BaChodesh Shofar 5745.

Class One. The first of two classes on ‘Tiku’ from Elul 5745. The Ma’amar explains the need to renew the M’lucha from Atzmus. This is done by Yidden through ‘crowning Him’. The Rebbe argues that the fact that we crown Him and that we use a human Mashal is proof that every Jew has the…

Dirshu Havaya BiHimutzo 5745.

This is a hemshech to the Rosh Hashana Ma’amar. The discussion here is about the idea of special prayer (connected to Davening with a Minyan or during the ten days of T’shuva when one is equal to an entire Minyan) that Hashem cannot ignore and He must answer kvayachol. On one level there is only…

Tiku Bachodesh Shofar (Rosh Hashana) 5745.

Class One. The first class on this Ma’amar is introductory, underscoring what is unusual about it. 1) On Rosh Hashana everything is renewed from Atzmus. 2) It then comes down into the smallest details, 3) Because ‘Dira BiTachtonim’ is the point of all creation. Class Two. This second class on this Ma’amar explores the details…

Tiku 5744.

Class One. A Possuk without RaShI or the Gemara reads quite differently. We blow when all is new and from Pleasure (Shofar). But it comes down from there into Bachodesh HaShvii, Biechad Lachodesh and Yom (Zichron) Truah. Class Two. Two becomes three (Perhaps: Pshitus, Klal, Pratim): Tiku Bachodesh: the source of newness that encompasses all….

Zeh Hayom 5744.

Class One. 25 Elul vs. Rosh Hashana. 25 Elul: 1) Creation Yesh MeAyin, 2) Braishis, the first or before the first Utterance, 3) Yachid BaOlomo, 4) Emes, 5) Ko is a level of Prophecy. Rosh Hashana: 1) He hides the Neshama in the physical body, 2) Asiya in His Tzelem. Rosh Hashana joins Zeh (Rosh…

תקעו בחדש שופר תשמ”ג

Class One. This class revolves around the Paragraph in Siddur: היום הרת עולם היום יעמוד במשפט כל יצורי עולמים אם כבנים אם כעבדים היום הרת עולם means that today man was not only created but conceived, originally as four separate elements and only afterwards joined together, so the Avoda must involve the ideas of each…

[Erev Rosh Hashana 5742 to 5743] Yom Tov Shel Rosh Hashana 5742/3

Class One. Shabbos has two levels: 1) The delight of Shabbos which happens by itself, 2) The delight of Shabbos which is connected to Avoda. Rosh Hashana is also about delight, but it is higher than both of the aforementioned levels, it reaches the מקור כל התענוגים- the source of all delight. It actually isn’t…

והי’ ביום ההוא יתקע בשופר גדול וגו’ ה’תשמ”ב.

Class One. The Shofar of Moshiach is included in our Pesukim of Shofar because even now we have the Shofar that will be then and it’s incredible power to bring Jewish people back. Class Two. The Shofar of now has four aspects: 1) The Shofar itself, that makes Him a King through our efforts, as…