The prayer in the Rosh Hashana davening that describes Hashem’s judgment most graphically. A commentary.
Series on the King in the field Class 8 (Rosh Hashana)
Series on the ”King in the Field” CLASS 8, Rosh Hashana Class 1. When The Prayer of One Has the Power of Ten “Search for Hashem when He is close. Call Him when He is near.” (a passuk [line] from Yeshiyahu [Isaiah]). The Gemara explains that this refers to the 10 days “between” Rosh Hashana and Yom…
Rosh Hashana inspiration. (5772).
Given at Chabad of Flatbush. This class has two parts. 1) Inspiration and 2) customs. Class One. Inspiration. Class Two. Customs.
5772. A suggested acronym: Shnas Tavo Alecha Bracha.
Some history to support this idea. Three hundred years ago this year was so named, based on the Baal shem Tov’s suggestion that to help Yidden spiritually you must first provide for them physically.
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