
VEheinif 5747.

The miracles of the splitting of the sea as well as the miracle of the future- splitting of “The River” are much more than miracles. They prepare Yidden for Torah on two levels.

Ma HaAidus 5746.

Class One. The Ben Chachom’s (wise son’s) two questions are 1) Why are we changing from the Avos and focusing pn stead on the physical and ritual part of each Mitzvah, what possible depth can they inspire. 2) [And] if, in fact, the shift has been made to the physical Mitzvos, then all should be…

ViHecherim 5745

Class One. (A thought on 28 Nissan 5773). This Maamar which discusses Yetzias Mitzrayim and Krias Yam Suf back then vs. the final Geula, explains (first) that to get the Torah down into this world there needed to be preparation from both ends. From the world’s end this was Yetzias (going out of and breaking…

Acharon Shel Pesach 5746

The following two Maamarim (are both Muga) and were said (apparently) in conjunction with Acharon Shel Pesach 5746. And are both presented here. Viavdi Dovid 5746. Acharon Shel Pesach (Muga). Two opposing approaches to understanding Hashem’s purpose in creation: 1) Talmud: that is all about being close. It is the delight of Yiddishkeit. 2) Maase’:…

A Hemshech of two Ma’amarim on Pesach 5745 in three classes

Kimai Tzaischa Ma’Eretz Mitzrayim 5745. (A 11 Nissan Ma’amar). Class One. The first half of this Ma’amar explains the idea that we continue to leave Mitzrayim in space and in time (as we journey through our history and move from place to place) until Moshiach comes. The Rebbe explores the highest source of Mitzrayim in…

Hafach Yum Layabasha 5744.

Class One. This class exposes the fact that the Rebbe is basing this Ma’amar on the Ma’amar of the Previous Rebbe, yet he takes it in an entirely different direction, making this Ma’amar quite original. The conflicting Midrashim: Does the sea need the Jew or the Jew need the sea, is explained by the Previous…

A Hemshech (2 Maamarim) Pesach 5744

Ki Yishalcha Bincha 5744. The Ben Chochom already knows Aidus Chukim and Mishpatim, what is bothering him is, why our Yiddishkeit is different than the Avos and is connected to action. The answer is that ‘Avadim haYinu’-, the challenges in Mitzrayim raised us up to the level of being able to elevate physical things also….

Kimei Tzaischa 5743 (2).

This class begins with a short discussion on Yom Haatzmaut. This Maamar can be learned in three sections: 1) We link Moshiach to Yetzias Mitzayim, as all of our history is an ongoing continuum of Yerida Tzorech Aliya, where even the lowest moments are part of the Aliya ultimately. 2) Netzach reveals the very essence…

כימי צאתך תשמ”ג A י”א ניסן מאמר

Class One. Introduction: to explain the timelessness of Yetzias Mitzrayim. Why we keep referring to Yetzias Mitzrayim throughout all of Galuyos, This is understood by focusing on the Ruchniyus of Yiddishkeit as a priority over the Gashmiyus. The spiritual process of mind to heart provides for a daily need for going out of constraints. Class…

ונחה ה’תשמ”ב.

Class One. The point that separates קריעת ים from לעתיד לבא is, That at Yetzias Mitzrayim what was limited and our initiative was uplifted into clarity like seeing, Emuna and Bittul, while when Moshiach comes, the faith and clarity of seeing will be brought down into our understanding etc. Class Two. In this class we…