This Ma’amar is a Hemshech to the previous one. Vayehi Bayom HaShmini 5715
Class One. The Hemshech continues. The Ma’amar wishes to explain Tzimtzum to us, so we will understand the significance of reversing it in revealing Godliness in the ‘space’ of the Tzimtzum when Moshiach comes. To explain this he begins (indirectly, by) discussing what is ‘before’ (Godliness is simple and worldliness must be learned) and ‘after’…
Vinigla Kvod Havaya 5715.
Class One. 1) Ratzon creates Olomos in Himself along with space (and time), 2) Tzimtzum, first of all reveals the space, 3) Second of all by leaving over the Reshimu and removing the light completely, the Keili become the bottom and most powerful, 4) When the light comes back it is altogether a different Ohr,…
.ויאמר לו יהונתן מחר חדש התשי”א.
The following Ma’amar is a Hemshech to the one before. Class One. In this class we continued the discussion from the last class, that Moshiach teaches Tzadikim how to do Teshuva. Teshuva is based on ריחוק the feeling of being distant. Ordinary people can feel this from ordinary distance (sin,) but Tzadikim don’t sin. Moshiach…
והניף ידו על הנהר התשי”א
Class One. This class discusses the idea of the splitting the river (בינה) to reveal the essence [מעיין- חכמה]. Just like קריעת ים סוף was not only to save the Jewish people but to reveal Godliness as a preparation for מתן תורה, similarly, the splitting of the נהר prepares for the revelation of פנימיות התורה….
Atzamos Hayeveishos (5767).
On Shabbos Chol Hamoed Pesach the Haftorah tells the story of the dead that Yechezkel resurrected. This class explores the meaning behind this story and its relationship with Pesach. Class One. Levush, gemara. Class two. Pesukim, Rebbe’s Sicha, Process of regeneration when Techias HaMeisim happens.
The Birth of a Nation. (5771).
The Birth of a Nation. (5771).It’s not about a few righteous people but an entire union. Class One (Yeshiva). The righteous man Avrohom would father G-d’s nation, but there was to be much to endure first. And the Jews would (in part) choose their own destiny. How would their history unfold? Would Moshiach come immediately…
Pesach, a time to talk (5772/2012). SHORT.
Pesach= Pe Such; a time to talk, Matza being katnus may be linked to the idea that we talk a lot on Pesach.
The Seder, a practical beginners guide. (5773/2013).
The Seder, a practical beginners guide. (5773/2013).The Seder and the Haggadah, commentary, thoughts and some instructions. A beginners to intermediate overview of the Seder what happens and what (some of) it means. This class is a very meaningful version of the Hagada and worthwhile to ‘bring you into the mood of Pesach’.
14. Vinacha 5714 (Acharon Shel Pesach) 5714 (Next Ma’amar is a Hemshech to this one) (Muga)
Class One. This class which discusses the very beginning and very end of this difficult Ma’amar, gets at the essence of this Ma’amar. The questions: 1) Vinacha… Ruach Hashem allows for no opposites but we then follow up with dualities: Chochma UBina etc. 2) How can there be duality in Ein Sof (LIma’amla Ma’amala and…
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