
34. אלה מסעי בני ישראל ה’תשל”ט

אלה מסעי בני ישראל ה’תשל”ט This class has about ten minutes (in the beginning) on the issue of fasts that fall on Shabbos and דעת רבי who says that once they were pushed away we shouldn’t fast at all. The Ma’amar is clear and classic: 1) we are journeying out of Egypt always, as each…

Aile Masei 5746. (5772/2012).

The meaning of the recalling the Masei- the Journeys of the Jews as they left Egypt and traveled towards Eretz Yisroel. Two different Chassidic interpretations, provide different versions of these Pesukim, one based on the idea that the Journey is about elevating God’s world with Godliness and the second is about the “Yerida Tzorech Aliya”…

Aile Masai 5744.

These Journeys set up all the Birurim in history. Though the desert has nothing to elevate (Birurim) and settle (Dira BiTachtonim), it is the defeat of the Shoresh of Klipa, so that the lesser Klipos can have an Aliya.

אלה מסעי ה’תשמ”ב.

Class One. The classic discussion of Chassidus on this Possuk is repeated here. The journeys from Egypt and through the desert are ירידה צורך עלי’ה on two levels: 1) The Yidden have an Aliya. 2) They took along and elevated the sparks of Mitzrayim. Thus the departure is really taking Egypt along. Thus the reference…

אלה מסעי ה’תשמ”א.

This Ma’amar explains that the Torah is an eternal practical lesson and in that spirit the 42 journeys are explained. The life of the person and the day of the person have 42 journeys from leaving the exile and constraint of the womb and the bed until one reaches the highest levels. Each higher level…