
Class Seven.

The RaMbaN, Nachmonedes.

Class Six.

Kabbalah’s dark age.

Class Five.

Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai and the Zohar.

Class Four.

The onset of Kabbalah.

Class Three.

Class Three.Sofrim and the Anshei Kneses HaGedola and “the reformation” away from Prophecy (spiritual and mystical) towards academics and law.

Class Two.

Class Two.Mysticism of the Prophets: the divine Chariots.

Class One.

Prophecy is mysticism.

Class #20.


Class #19.

Tzimtzumim. Before the first Tzimtzum, The first Tzimtzum, The later Tzimtzumim and the (idea of) Parsa.

Class #18.

After the Tzimtzum three levels in the (Ohr) Ein Sof: Higher than, in and below ATZILUS.