Kedoshim 19:16. Lashon HaRa (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022)
Kedoshim 19-16. Lashon HaRa (Yeshiva Achei Temimim 5782/ 2022).This class deals with Rechilus and Lashon HaRa.There are many sources cited:1) Toras Kohanim In judgement: don’t be hard to one and soft to another; after the verdict don’t disclose that you were more lenient. 2) Gemara Pesachim Don’t testify as a single witness. That accomplishes nothing…
Kedoshim 19:14 – A Farbrengen: Viyaraisa MaiElokecha (He knows the secrets) (Yeshiva 5780/ 2020)
Kedoshim 19-14. A Farbrengen, Parshas Kedoshim: Viyaraisa MaiElokecha (He knows the secrets).This form is unique to this Parsha.One can only be properly careful about דברים המסורים ללב if there’s קדושים תהיו which means אתכפיא.
Hashamayim Kisi 5746.
This classic Rosh Chodesh Maamar is linked specifically to Rosh Chodesh Iyar, Parshas Kidoshim and Sefiras HaOmer. Hashamayim Kisi and its juxtaposition against Parshas Kedoshim. There seems to be contradiction here. The Haftorah discusses our work and the Parsha suggests that all is about Hashem. Is it about G-d or about man? The answer: it…
ViHiskadishtem ViHiyisem K’doshim 5745.
This Maamar discusses holiness. not in the shul or Yeshiva but at the table. The holiness of the table (connected to washing, Brachos, Tzedaka and Torah) holifies the meal and contributes to the purpose of Avodas HaBirurim most substantially. It also mentions the idea that our holiness ‘holifies’ Hashem Himself (also).
קדושים תהיו. ה’תשמ”א
This מאמר of קדושים is different than most מאמרים on this פסוק. In this version the greatest thing is what we Give Hashem on our own: תפילה which is explained as מסירת נפש. This is higher than our relationship with Hashem based on what He gives us: תורה ומצות. The third crown that He keeps…
Kedoshim 19:18 – Ahavas Yisroel (5765/2005)
Kedoshim 19-18. Ahavas Yisroel (5765).Insights into loving your fellow as you love yourself.
Toras Menachem – 3 Iyar 5714.
Rabbi Berel Baumgarten’s group. Youth is the the winter of one’s life, Young adulthood is the spring. What to do about this.
Toras Menachem – K’doshim 5714 (11) – Sicha Ten.
Page 255-6. What to repeat in the shuls about priorities.
Toras Menachem – K’doshim 5714 (10)-Sicha Nine (02)
Class Two: Page 253-5. Every Rebbe said the same Ma’amar as his predecessors, with his own addition and style. Hiskashrus is through Torah, though it never reaches Etzem.
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