Samach Tisamach 5657 – Class 39
Page 43- 4. Kol Chayei HaOlom Haba- Ziv HaShechina, vs. bringing down קדוש, קדש and creating new קדושה as it says ועשיתם את כל מצותי והיתם קדושים לאלוקיכם. These two ideas of Gan Eden and Kedusha are like Kavana and Ma’aseh HaMitzvah; Na’aseh and Nishma etc.
Monday 26 Kislev 5773, December 10 2012.
Kidusha in Chazars Hashatz (part one). Kidusha (1). An introduction to Kidusha. The Zohar says that Kidusha is Biblical and is learned from the same Possuk from which we learn Mesiras Nefesh Al Kidush Hashem. Kidusha is about creating a Merkava (seat) for Hashem’s manifestation as the various levels of malachim do. The different Nuschaos,…
Samach Tisamach 5657 – Class 18
Page 24- 5. When one meditates on the aforementioned צמצומים that allow for creation to exist [one can react by focusing on themselves and the sustaining of the צמצום or] one reacts by wanting the truth, rather than the צמצום. In this מאמר he desires the entire truth. Three [or four] levels: A) שכינה the…
44. ונקדשתי בתוך בני ישראל ה’תשכ”ה (Muga)
Two versions of this מאמר exist: 1) There are three levels of קדושה, two are available to us and the third is not. If we are to reach it, we must become בטל. They are: תפלה, תורה, מצות. 2) We can reach the third level of קדושה as well. They are תורה, מצות, and תשובה….
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