
342 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ain Omdin Lihispalel – Class 04

Keilim of Keser cont. Osiyos Atzmiim reveal the Atzmus of the Ohr [As it is in relationship with itself]. Biur of how even Ein Sof of Keser affects the worlds for good and for bad. Page 479-81. NEW SV p. 633-5.

341 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ain Omdin Lihispalel – Class 03

Keilim of Keser. Two mishalim allow us to understand the quality of these Keilim, that are like Chakika- a Tzimtzum that is not from the outside of itself but a “Darkness within the light itself”. [like the idea of Ote’ Ohr KaSalma]. 1) Ohr lifnei HaTzimtzum vs. LiAchar HaTzimtzum, 2) Pnimiyus A”K (Atik) vs. Chitzoniyus…