
Ki Teitzei 5745.

Class One. One must engage in the war of birurim, and go out with a winning attitude, and then Hashem gives us victory. The victory is also ours and we elevate sparks taking back what was K’dusha in the first place. After the basic Birur and elevation we must refine it, even to the extent…

Zachor 5743.

(Parshas Zachor Maamar). ‘The road’ from Egypt means our relationship with Hashem. Before we arrive at Mattan Torah the road leads us to confront the opposition, some is raised up- Yisro. Some is destroyed- Amalaik. Though Amalaik is our ‘brother’ and Yisro is only ‘our neighbor’.

Ki Seitzei Lamilchama 5731.

The Milchama for us is Tefila. Each word in this Possuk and their apparent questions reflect the war of spiritual growth and ascent perfectly.

Ki Teitzei 22:08 – Building a Home that is a G-dly Edifice (The Mitzva of ‘Maake”) (5767/ 2007)

Ki Teitzei 22-08 (5767/ 2007) – Building a Home that is a G-dly Edifice (The Mitzva of ‘Maake”)In depth analysis of the pasuk “Ki tivneh bayit chadash ve’asita ma’akeh legagecha velo-tasim damim beveytecha ki-yipol hanofel mimenu (When you build a new house, you must place a guard-rail around your roof)” (Ki Teitzei, 22.8).¹ Sources include:…