
פדה בשלום (י”ט כסליו) ה’תש”מ.

Class One. Although פדה בשלום includes all three poles: תורה, עבודה, וגמילת חסדים, it is primarily through תפילה, and תורה וגמ”ח assist her. This refers specifically to תפילה בציבור which is שלום on various counts. 1) When there is a ציבור the שכינה rests. 2) The idea that only when we are whole (joined with…

פדה בשלום ה’תשט”ז.

This Ma,amar was said on שבת מברכים כסליו ה’תשט”ז. Class One. This class explores the beginning and the end of the Ma’amar and chapters 2-3. This מאמר goes on the גמרא that through תורה ומצוות after ,תפילה we redeem ה’ ובניו from exile. We explore what is the meaning of Hashem being in Golus. The…

Pada Bishalom 5713.

Class One. Beis Hamikdash and Nevua was real giluy and Hislabshus. It needed Korbonos to affect this. Class Two. The unfinished part of Pada BiShalom. Even in Golus there can be Giluy Elokus, but not through Mimalei and Korbonos but in Sovev (Atzmus) and Teshuva and higher Tefilla GaMaCh and Torah.

Pade BiShalom 5712.

Class One. In one’s Avodas Hashem there are choices: 1) Live above the Nefesh HaBahamis, in which case no transformation takes place in the person and right after Davening and learning one can fall. 2) Fight with the Nefesh haBahamis but treat him like an equal in which case the fight is incessant. 3) Fight…

ענינה של תורת החסידות

Introduction (5777/2016). Short class giving the background and the basic point of this classic Sicha. In one Class, Beis Rivkah seminary (5776/2015) In this class the entire Sicha was over-viewed in the following order: 1) Perek 4-5, What is Chassidus, Yechida, an indivisible point that is infinite and completely without definition or form. 2) Perek…

Maggid Of Mezrich – Lecture 05

The meeting after the Histalkus, the three decisions: 1) To diversify Chassidus, 2) To remain unified in the struggle with the Misnagdim, and to meet to discuss the progress every five years), 3) To send a delegation to [bring Chassidus to] the holy land.

Maggid Of Mezrich – Lecture 04

1) The story of Chasidei ‘TOLK’, 2) Did Talmidei HaMagid put the GR”A in Cherem during his lifetime and if the Alter Rebbe participated, 3) Stories, 4) Histalkus Tzavaa etc. 5) What was decided after he passed he away.

Maggid Of Mezrich – Lecture 03

1) His Torah, 2) the holy brothers, Reb Shmelka and Reb Pinchas, 3) The Volfer Rav, 4) visits from his former friends, Reb Michele Zlotchiver, 5) Reb Pinchas of Kuritz, the story of the King’s crown and the precious stone,

Maggid Of Mezrich – Lecture 02

The Maggid continued. He joined the Baal Shem Tov’s movement very late. Why he was favored; a PAN from the Baal Shem Tov. Shavuos 5520, 5521 Reb Tzvi and the Maggid, The Maggid was a very great leader and reestablished the Chassidic movement, using a pyramid system.

Maggid Of Mezrich – Lecture 01

The holy Maggid, his early years, his choice to be a Melamed, His poverty, His Rebbe the Pnei yehoshua, his coming to the Baal Shem Tov at the end of his Nesius.