06. Boruch Sheusu Nissim 5715 (Muga), (Fourth of 5 Ma’amarim in this Hemshech)
Class One/ Twelve (המשך). Class Two/ Thirteen (המשך). Class Three/ Fourteen (המשך). Class Four/ Fifteen (המשך).
05. Pasach Eliyahu 5715 (Muga), (Third of 5 Ma’amarim in this Hemshech)
Class One/ Nine (המשך). Nature vs. Miracles, where do they get their energy from and how are they different. Level One: G-dliness is revealed only in miracles; in nature He is hidden. Level Two: Both the miracle and nature are (sustained by) G-dliness, the difference is only from which aspect (name): Miracles from הוי’ה and…
23. Lecha Dodi 5689, 5714 (Muga). (5768).
Another version (5767). Commentary on the Frierdike Rebbe and the Rebbe’s Licha Dodi Maamarim. The Two Lecha Dodis given at Beis Midrash linashim in 5774/ 2013. (We’re including the Previous Rebbe’s as well). Lecha Dodi 5689. PDF The Maamar recited at the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s wedding. The Frierdike Rebbe’s Licha Dodi illustrates how preliminary influence…
Rosh Chodesh Teves, the middle of Chanuka. (5772/2011).
Why Chanuka is at the end of the month and actually goes from (the end [disappearing moon] of) one month into (the birth of) another, Rosh Chodesh Teves is where ruchniyus translates into Gashmiyus.
Kislev to Teves.
Chanuka is the only Yom Tov that starts in one month and ends in another. From Kislev (the third) to Teves (the fourth) of the winter months. Short Version. Longer Version.
Veatta BiRachamecha 5748.
Chanuka celebrates (the days and ) numbers 24, 25, and 26. We (nowadays) celebrate only 25- WHY.
Ki Ata Neiri HAVAYA 5747.
The G-Dliness reveled at the time of Chanuka , in the darkness, comes from very high. It joins with regular everyday life and light of a Yid.
Mai Chanuka 5747.
The Chanuka candles celebrate the war. The candles are the Candles of the Neshama and (Torah and) Mitzvos.
Bayom Hashmini 5746 (Chanuka).
This Maamar is Muga. The number eight is higher than order, but not all “eighths” are equal. The eighth of Miluim is relative to Hishtalshelus, while the eighth of Chanuka is connected with Atzmus.
Ner Chanuka 5746. (5772/2011).
7 Mitzvos of the Ribanan, elevate the left [as if we were to say “Smol mikareves”], but only once the 613 Mitzvos diOraisa have made a Keli for the right side. This explains much about Chanuka licht: Their 1) side (left) 2) number (eight) 3) time (after dark) and location 4) (outside).
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