
VaYeshev Yaakov 5746. (5772/2011).

Vayeshev: above work and yerida tzorach aliya is real and constant peace that is after descending into Eretz Migurei Aviv and (lower still) Eretz Kinaan. Later he descends further into Mitzrayim and achieves an even higher VaYechi! How this ties into Chanuka, Golus etc.

Rani ViSimchi Bas Tziyon 5745.

Rani ViSimchi is the Maamar of Chanuka (and Bihaalosecha, after Shavuos). It explains three levels and then a fourth. The three are the regular concerns of a Yid: 1) Mitzvos, 2) Torah 3) Mesiras Nefesh in the daily performance of Torah and Mitzvos. The fourth is called ‘Bas Tzion’ and emerges in Golus, when the…

Tanu Rabbanan Ner Chanuka 5744.

A Ma’amar that juxtaposes Mezuza and Chanuka candles and wonders why we join them together at the door, Mezuza on the right and the Menora on the left. Mezuza is for the house though it protects you even when you leave it. This protection is on the level of Hashem Echad (you’re above the world…

Baruch Sheusu Nissim 5743.

Class One. This part of the Ma’amar (which is the largest part of the Ma’amar) explores many levels of life and connection: 1) Food and drink, 2) Wine, 3) Water that is higher than wine, 4) Oil, 5) Good smell, 6) Light. Each of these six are found in the Beis HaMikdash and the Ma’amar…

Rani ViSimchi 5743.

To get to the Essence you must go in order and start from the very Bottom. Osiyos before Ohr in Torah, Mitzvos Maasoyos before any Kavana. Bas Tzion.

רני ושמחי בת ציון התשמ”ב.

This Ma’amar is about Galus and is therefore appropriate for Chanuka, since it is a Galus Yom tov though it occurred during the time of the Beis HaMikdash Thus, Rani which means to sing which is done from distance and darkness (as the Zohar states) brings one close, In fact even closer than when in…

ראיתי והנה מנורת זהב ה’תשמ”א.

The change in the פסוק נר אלוקים נשמת אדם as opposed to נר הוי’ נשמת אדם as it appears in משלי כ”ז, כ is based on the ירושלמי שבת פ”ב ה”ו. All the Jewish people make up one body with seven branches and seven different types of service to Hashem. The seven רועים shepherds assist…

רני ושמחי ה’תשמ”א.

This Ma’amar is a Chanuka Ma’amar, because it has at its foundation the idea of ירידה צורך עלי’ה. In this class the Rebbe uses the language of פרצת כל הגדרים. The level of בת ציון is the the lowest level and is connected to action, of Mitzvos, but it reaches higher than אחותי and אמי.

בכ”ה בכסליו ה’תש”מ.

Class One. To understand the מנורה of חנוכה we first discuss the מנורה that lit in the בית המקדש. The מנורה’s seven branches are the seven מדות, and there is זה לעומת זה and לאום מלאום יאמץ between the seven of נפש האלקוית and the seven מדות of the נפש הבהמית. To guarantee that קדושה…

Tanu Rabanan Ner Chanuka 5714.

This is the Chanuka Ma’amar that is the opposite of all the typical Chanuka Ma’amarim. Here darkness is not something that needs to be reversed but to be celebrated! Light and the sun (here) are about Avoda Zara (Chama) and the setting sun leaves only darkness which is God. The same is true of Sukkos…