
343 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Ain Omdin Lihispalel – Class 05

End of the discussion of Shoresh of Neshamos in (Osiyos Atzmiim) of Keser. Koach HaMachshava which is higher than Osiyos HaMachshava and certainly than Osiyos HaDibur. Page 482-3, NEW SV p. 635-6.

322 Samech Vov (Complete Version) – Bisha’a SheHikdimu – Class 07

Page 454 ff. NEW SV p. 598 ff.Machshava and Koach HaMachshava. Rooted in Etzem [HaNefesh and of LiMaala]. In the Nimshal both are Atzilus, It’s giluy to be (later) nifrad and the giluy in (and to) itself.