
03. Yehi Ratzon… before Korban Tamid (recited each morning, if Tachanun is said) (Machon Chana) Class 3

מצות עשה. יהי רצון… תמיד Class Three. In this (short) class we explore the text of this prayer (to the prayer of קרבנות), It is about compensating for a lack. After Moshiach comes it will be said but on a much higher level.

03. Yehi Ratzon… before Korban Tamid (recited each morning, if Tachanun is said) (Machon Chana) Class 2

יהי רצון… תמיד Class Two. Class 09 Wednesday 4 Teves 5776/ December 16 2015.This class addresses the three words מחילה, כפרה, סליחה. The many opinions about how to align these three ideas with the three levels of sin: חטא, עון, פשע becomes very confusing. In our נוסח אדמו”ר הזקן he aligns חטא with מחילה, and…

03. Yehi Ratzon… before Korban Tamid (recited each morning, if Tachanun is said) (Machon Chana) Class 1

יהי רצון… תמיד Class One. CLASS 08 WEDNESDAY 20 KISLEV 5776/ DECEMBER 2 2015.This prayer that precedes the פרשת התמיד is, in effect, a prayer for a prayer. We explained it like Brachos are explained (תורה אור בראשית) that when one cannot experience the light he ascends higher where, he won’t experience the light, but, he’ll…

03. Yehi Ratzon… before Korban Tamid (recited each morning, if Tachanun is said) (short version) (Yeshiva)

יהי רצון… תמיד Short Version, Yeshiva.This prayer (in contrast to the pre-Ketores prayer) is said only on days when Tachanun is recited, though an argument does exist to say it (minus some words) always. It is (like so many “late to the game” prayers) compiled from several old prayers (including אתה יודע רזי עולם which we…

Tzav es Bnei Yisroel 5744.

Korbanos do and don’t apply in the times of Galus, why? They do in tefilla, but they don’t in action, Why? Korbanos must show their Godly effect immediately or they cannot be offered! This is the meaning of ‘Nachas ruach SheAmarti vina’aseh R’tzoni’, that His Will was revealed immediately. We explore how this idea differs…

Tzav Es Bnei Yisroel 5711.

Korbonos, before the original sin, brought their own light. After the sin they are correcting wrong. The highest level of Korbanos will be when Moshiach comes. Then also it won’t be about correcting wrongs but about revealing the highest lights.

Hayom Yom – 12 Adar II

About Korbanos:Those who are pure should start to learn what is pure. Begin Chinuch with the Korbanos in Vayikra.Bring a Korban from YOU, from your Nefesh Habehamis.Korban means 1) to sacrifice your nefesh Habahamis and BiYA and 2) to bring close your Adam.Nefesh Habehamis are the mochin of your animal. It generalizes and lacks discernment….

07. Wednesday 17 Adar 5777/ March 15 2017. רבון העולמים Class Seven.

07. רבון העולמים Class Seven. The two Pesukim we don’t say for lack of worthiness. עורי צפון ובואי תימן הפיחי גני יזלו בשמיו יבא דודי לגנו ויאכל פרי מגדיו: באתי לגני אחתי כלה אריתי מורי עם בשמי אכלתי יערי עם דבשי שתיתי ייני עם חלבי אכלו רעים שתו ושכרו דודי. This class has a long…

06. Wednesday 10 Adar 5777/ March 8 2017. רבון העולמים Class Six.

06. רבון העולמים Class Six. כאילו הקרבנו… ועמדנו על מעמדו, והקטרנו… These three phrases are a רצוי ושוב and another רצוי. What it means to compensate for the lack of Korbanos with our lips. עולה ומנחה are a רצוי ושוב. חטאת ואשם are two levels of need for precision. As one grows, what may have…

05. Wednesday 3 Adar 5777/ March 1 2017 רבון העולמים Class Five.

05. רבון העולמים Class Five. לכן יהי רצון מלפניך… הקרבנו לפניך from the (highest) face to the lowest face (מלכות). Strength is pronounced in the word לכן to achieve this. הוי’ אלוקינו ואלוקי אבותינו passing through השתלשלות though it is hidden in Galus time. שיח שפתותינו an inadequate prayer but a prayer never the less….