
03. Ketores Kach Lecha Samim… Class Three, Wednesday 24 Iyar 5776/ June 1 2016.

03. ויאמר… קח לך… סמים נטף ושחלת וחלבנה סמים ולבונה זכה בד בבד יהי’ה Class Three Different opinions about how many kinds were included in the Ketores: 4, 6, 11, [12 -?-]. How these opinions are extracted from the words. The idea of כלל ופרט וכלל explains סמים נטף ושחלת וחלבנה סמים. Accordingly לבונה זכה…

02. Ketores Vayomer…Kach Lecha Samim, Class Two, Wednesday 17 Iyar 5776/ May 25 2016. .

02. ויאמר… קח לך סמים Class Two. Introduction: Food vs. Medicine; Ketores is medicine, given in very strong concentrated doses to heal. Consequently it includes from the highest (לבונה זכה) to the lowest (ויאמר הוי’ אל משה [.הלבנה soft rather than hard speech, but from a high level almost like thought (like ברוך שאמר). It…

01. Ketores; Torah Shebiksav of Ketores; Vayomer…Kach Lecha Samim (Yeshiva Version, 5781/ 2021) Class One.

פרשת הקטרת: ויאמר ה’ אל משה קח לך סמים… ובהעלות אהרון את הנרות 01 יקטירנה (Yeshiva Version, 5781/ 2021) Class One.Inner and Outer Mizbeach, inner and outer heart (from mind vs. from Soul).The day starts and finishes with Menorah and Kitores, two ideas of inner heart; Faith reason Faith, the process the advantages of each.The…

04. Ata Hu… Ketores. Longer Version, Machon LiYahadus Wednesday 3 Iyar 5776/ May 11 2016. Class Four.

04. אתה הוא… prayer קטרת part Four. In this class we read the text inside. two understandings of the אבותינו. את קטרת הסמים על יד משה…

03. Ata Hu… Ketores, Longer Version, Machon LiYahadus Wednesday 26 Nissan 5776/ May 4 2016 Class Three.

03. אתה הוא… prayer introducing קטרת part three. This class has some repetition because of the Pesach break. In this paragraph the key word is לפניך underscoring the essence quality of קטרת. However it must be drawn down from אתה הוא into הוי’ אלוקינו ואלוקי אבותינו.

02. Ata Hu… Ketores, longer Version, Machon Liyahadus Wednesday 27 Adar 2 5776/ April 6 2016. Class Two.

02. אתה הוא… prayer introducing the קטרת Two.Note: on the first page of the pdf four or five different Nuschaos appear for this (little) prayer. Four reasons why קטרת needs an introduction: A) Since the Biblical passage that follows is from two places and the word ונאמר must be placed in the middle, a larger…

02a. Short Yeshiva (5781/ 2021) Version, Class One, Introduction to Ketores.

02a. Short Yeshiva (5781/ 2021) Version, Class One, Introduction to Ketores.1) Ketores means Kesher- connection, more than Karbanos; three fires: Mizbeach (war) Menorah (peace) Ketores (Oneness).2) The number 11 is associated with Klipa, or alternatively, Atika Kadisha, both ideas are present in the Ketores: the only “non-Kosher” in the entire Beis HaMikdash, elevating even this…

02. ViShuchat Oso; Yeshiva (5781/ 2021) Version.

02. ViShuchat Oso; Yeshiva (5781/ 2021) Version.Shechita means to lift up; slaughter animal raise up the “man”.

10. Parshas HaTamid, Longer Version, Machon LiYahadus Wednesday 22 Adar 1 5776/ March 2 2016. Class Ten.

10. פרשת התמיד Class Ten. The last two pesukim speak of the Shov of Korbanos after Mattan Torah: Wine which is 1) intoxicating, 2) tasty. Using this in the service of Hashem is an ideal shov. 2) Night, בין הערביים the גלגל שמש has descended below the horizon, and the חמה, the sun itself is…

09. Parshas HaTamid, Longer Version, Machon LiYahadus Wednesday 15 Adar 1, 5776/ February 24 2016. Class Nine.

09. פרשת התמיד Class Nine. The פסוק עולת תמיד references the timeless idea of a Korban that always was and always will be, it is about sacrifice. But at Mattan Torah a new idea is added, to have a return from a Korban, this idea is novel.