08. Parshas HaTamid, Longer Version, Machon LiYahadus Wednesday 8 Adar 1 5776/ February 17 2016. Class Eight.
08. פרשת התמיד Class Eight. We learned the fifth Possuk of this paragraph and touched on the sixth Possuk. We started with a long introduction about: 1) Ratzo Vashov, using Korach and Tzitzis as the model 2) We quoted the Maamar Chazal that says that Krias Shma without tefillin is like a Korban without a…
07. Parshas HaTamid, Longer Version, Machon LiYahadus, Wednesday 1 Adar 1 5776/ February 10 2016. Class Seven.
07. פרשת התמיד Class Seven. We explored the third and fourth Possuk in the Perek this time. Here an actual korban is being discussed, so the issue of sacrificing and joining worldliness with God is emphasized. Two sheep, not one, 365 days (a solar year) one in the morning and the other at night, each…
06. Parshas HaTamid, Longer Version, Machon LiYahadus, Wednesday 24 Shvat 5776/ February 3 2016. Class Six.
פרשת התמיד .06 Class Six. PDF, This is for all the classes that will follow where we read the text inside, most of the ideas are culled from these sources. This class finally begins the reading of the paragraph inside. The word אמר has three meanings: 1) to speak softly’ 2) to favor like האמרת…
05. Parshas HaTamid, Longer Version, Machon LiYahadus Wednesday 17 Shvat 5776/ January 27 2016. Parshas HaTamid Class Five.
פרשת התמיד .05 Class Five. The third idea of a Korban that has no precedent before Mattan Torah is the idea that a Karbon is both a total sacrifice to Hashem and at the same time it is with a Shov, bringing God into the world, where we live a sacrifice. This has no connection…
03. Parshas HaTamid, Longer Version, Machon LiYahadus, Wednesday 25 Teves 5776/ January 6 2016. Class Three
פרשת התמיד .03 Class Three.We continued the oral discussion about the link between before מתן תורה and after, as it relates to קרבנות. We explored the understanding of history from Torah’s point of view. The first man was the greatest, not the most primitive, and he understood the interface between oneness and division precisely. His…
02. Parshas HaTamid, Longer Version, Machon LiYahadus, Wednesday 18 Teves 5776/ December 30 2015, Class Two.
פרשת התמיד .02 Class Two. This class was a lecture on the idea of קרבנות based on the רמב”ם and the רמב”ן. We talked about how the רמב”ם can be explained in spite of the fact that קרבנות predates idol worship. The point of the class was to divide this paragraph into two parts: A)…
01. Parshas Hatomid Short Version (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021), Class One
01. Parshas Hatomid Short Version (Yeshiva 5781/ 2021), Class One.1) A day of creation (night first) and a day of Avoda (day first).2) Ma’amados, the Yisroel’s contribution. 3) אדם כי יקריב מכם the sacrifice of self.4) Korbanos after Moshiach כמצות רצוניך.
Adam Ki Yakriv 5745
This is a Maamar from 9 kislev. This Korbanos Maamar made its way into the winter because it was a newly printed Sefer of the Mitteler Rebbe. The Maamar (in general) makes two points about a Korban: 1) to sacrifice and transform, 2) Uplift and bring close. The Rebbe proposes that these two also exist…
אדם כי יקריב מכם ה’תשמ”ב.
1) Korban means to bring close, and everything can be made closer. 2) It is brought close by Yidden who are Hashem’s shluchim. 3) It begins with the sacrifice of self, and more specifically the sacrifice of the higher and Godly 4) It continues to the more mundane and lowly, including the body and animal…
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