08. Basi Ligani (באתי לגני – מוגה) 5712
08. Basi Ligani (באתי לגני – מוגה) 5712 Basi Ligani 5712 deals with Korbonos: 1) Sacrifice first requires examining and perfecting the animal, then removing the (animal ) passion, then using the flesh (gashmiyus) for Kedusha. Even a sinner can if he wishes bring a Korbon to Havaya and even higher. 2) The Korbon (from…
Adam Ki Yakriv 5745
This Korbanos Maamar made its way into the winter because it was a newly printed Sefer of the Mitteler Rebbe. The Maamar (in general) makes two points about a Korban: 1) to sacrifice and transform, 2) Uplift and bring close. The Rebbe proposes that these two also exist in Pada BiShalom 1) Tefilla, 2) Torah.
בסוכות תשבו ה’תשמ”א.
Class One. Korbanos and Ketores both involve fire (light) and shade (darkness that is above light). But in Korbanos it is about the fire and the (visible heat and) light; and in Ketores it is about the shade and darkness. Korbanos: 1) bring close, 2) are a service of the mind, 3) reach -only- the…
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