
Note 1,2,3 Class Two Tanya Lectures – Kuntress Acharon

The particulars of the first three Kunteres Acharons. An action with a 1) Negative Kavana, 2) No particular Kavana, 3) Positive Kavana, 4) Kavana without an action, 5) Everything (even sin) goes up somewhere.

Class One Tanya Lectures – Kuntress Acharon

The effects of our Yiddishkeit are felt on high. The ideal way to do a Mitzva is an action with a Kavana (Passion) from one of the four levels of Souls that are rooted in the four upper worlds. When one’s kavana or action are lacking- what happens then? This is the first of a…

Class 03

The fifth and final note plus four letters in the Kuntres Acharon are presented in this class. This is the final class of this year’s series – following the CHITAS schedule for a regular year.

Class 02b

NOTES (given in the second cycle of learning Tanya. They are being included here also because they are necessary).

Class 02a

The fourth note or essay in the Kuntres Acharon is presented in this class.

Class 01

Rabbi Paltiel introduces the fifth book of the Tanya, the Kuntres Acharon, a collection of the Alter Rebbe’s notes and some additional letters added to the Tanya by the Alter Rebbe’s children.