
Samach Bais (15) – Lech Lecha 5662 – Class 15

Page 247-9. The four rungs of the ladder of prayer. מודה אני: submission and acceptance, this state is where one’s mind and heart and senses are not manifest, and we have and all we can (and do) do is accept. סיפור שבחיו של מקום :פסוקי דזמרא we sing G-d’s praises about what He does for…

Ani Lidodi 5715.

Class One. Introduction, What is davening? The ‘ladder’ of Davening, Mode Ani, Psukei DiZimra, Birchos Krias Shma, Shama and the Amida.

Introduction: Hoda’a- Asiya: Davening is a four rungged ladder, until Boruch Sheumar is Asiya (Machon Chana)

Introduction: Hoda’a- Asiya: Davening is a four rungged ladder, until Boruch Sheumar is Assiya (Machon Chana)Wednesday 8 Elul 5774, September 3 2014.Introduction. This class introduces a new year and explains at least basically the stage of Davening called Hoda’a.