
Letter 15 Class 3 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh

This class further discusses the ten Kochos (faculties) but this time of the G-dly Soul. We explored the difference between the Intellectual and G-dly Souls. There are many additional ideas that the Alter Rebbe adds in discussing the G-dly Soul not mentioned earlier. Including a discussion on 1) Malchus, 2)_Da’as Elyon, 3) Midos that are…

Letter 15 Class 2 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh

The ten faculties (Kochos) of the Soul are discussed here, (in order to explain the Sefiros). We discussed first Chaba”d then Chaga”s, and finally Neh”i. (We allowed ourselves a change of order from the letter to ease its comprehension). We also mentioned Malchus (which is not discussed inside regarding the Intellectual Soul). The class explores…

Letter 15 Class 1 Tanya Lectures – Iggeres Hakodesh

This class introduces the 15th of the Alter Rebbe’s letters. This letter is truly a classic and addresses the question of what are the ten S’firos (Attributes of G-Dliness discussed in Kabala). In this class we did the Alter Rebbe’s own introduction. He explains the use of metaphor and allegory in explaining metaphysical ideas. Kabbala…