Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 252 ff – Yosef is the Name of the Yidden in Galus
Vayigash The Tribes (51) Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 252 ff The Jewish nation in Galus is called Yosef, as Yosef is the source of the strength to survive and thrive in Golus, as he did so better than anyone.
Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 227 ff – Yaakov davens about his sons’ trip to Mitzrayim
Miketz The Tribes (43) Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 227 ff Ya’akov is talking to his sons about their upcoming trip to Egypt. He knows what his sons told him, but he senses something more is at hand, so he Davens. He explains that he’s Davening just in case. But the brothers who know…
Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 213 ff – Yosef accesses his Mazal
Vayeshev The Tribes (34) Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 213 ff Yosef is ‘Matzliach’ (accesses his Mazal in a very blessed way) because of his adaptability to the reality and hardship of Galus. He descends from bad to worse, from Slave to Prisoner and as his circumstances challenge him more he digs deeper to…
Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 204 ff – Yosef’s Dreams
Vayeshev The Tribes (27) Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 204 ff This class begins the story of the twelve sons of Ya’akov and is a new chapter in the Torah’s narrative: the children’s story. Yoseph tells his father and brothers his dreams. What is he thinking?! what is Ya’akov thinking? and what are the…
Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 193 ff – Yosef is in and above galus
Vayeshev The Tribes (33) Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 193 ff This is another version of the same class that focuses exclusively on Yosef being in and above the galus, thus mastering and ruling Egypt from the moment he arrives there.
Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 193 ff – Galus viz a viz Yaakov the Shvatim and Yosef
Vayeshev The Tribes (29) Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 193 ff (version one) Three personalities, three Galus perspectives: 1) Yaakov, he was not in the Galus at all. 2) The Shvatim, they are a part of the Galus and only survive it by being in (relative) isolation, as Shepherds. 3) Yosef, he is in…
Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 168 ff – Return of Yaakov to Eretz Yisroel
Vayeitze Patriarchs (23) Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 168 ff The return of Yaakov to Eretz Yisroel found him whole not only according to the promises Hashem gave him, but that he didn’t even suffer (in a lasting way) for the Avoda sacrifices he needed to make in Golus.
Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 150 ff – Yaakov’s Malachim escorts
VaYeitze Patriarchs (21) Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 150 ff Malachim before, Malachim after; When Yaakov leaves Eretz Yisroel, the local angels cannot lead him into Chutz La’aretz and new Malachim appear, while on his return, the Eretz Yisroel angels come out to greet. The reason: in the beginning they are empowering him and…
Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 086 ff – Yitzchok’s Bris
VaYera Patriarchs (07) Likutei Sichos Vol 25 p 086 ff Yitzchok’s Bris is superior not only to Yishmael’s but to Avrohom’s as well. Avrohom’s Bris was from higher than reason, but his 99 years of preparation cover this over, and the idea that it is entirely from Hashem is not obvious.
Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 047 ff – Avrohom gets Divine Instruction
Lech Lecha Patriarchs (03) Likutei Sichos – Vol 25 p 047 ff Whatever happened to Avrohom until Lech Lecha (at the age of seventy five) is not written in the Torah, because as the first Jew, his life doesn’t begin until he gets divine instruction and follows with bittul. The lesson for us: we must…
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