
Class # 25

Part 7: Second answer – SOVEV the same all over we get different. Review of three steps of creation: 1) Machshava – world comes into being in ruchnius 2) Dibbur a) words travel out b) can only say one word at a time c) amount of air is limited. Hashem seems to leave the world…

Class # 24

Part 6: (1) First answer – AIN ETZEM etc.. (2) three steps of creation. Definitions: Helem = hiding, too far away to see. Hester= blocking. Beriah is Yesh Mei’Ayin. Light is Ain Sof. Aibishter is Ain Techila. There are differences in the worlds as to how Elokus is perceived (above Atzilus, in Atzilus, and below…

Class # 00 Tanu Rabbanan Ner Chanuka 5643

This ma’amar discusses Chanuka and is also an Achdus Hashem ma’amar based on the pasuk, “Ani Hashem Lo Shanisi” (I Hashem (Havaya) have not changed). Based on different interpretations of the word “Havaya” the meaning of “lo shanisi” also changes. The first half of the discourse is mystical and philosophical and is meant to be…