23b. Lehavin… Ze Hayom Techillas Maasecha (להבין מ”ש בר”ה זה”ת מעשיך) 5713 – Class Two
Class Two. Questions and answers. Though Korbonos [that the Torah advocates] are higher than Adam, however Neshamos Yisroel are mushrash in Atzmus (HaKadosh Boruch Hu) higher than all. This becomes relevant on Rosh Hashana when all goes back to Atzmus.
23a. Lehavin… Ze Hayom Techillas Maasecha (להבין מ”ש בר”ה זה”ת מעשיך) 5713 – Class One
Class One. Chapters 2-3 explain how the Neshama is in the Tzelem and Dimus of G-dliness allowing her to experience one of several levels of Achdus. Sin however, cuts this inspiration source off. Then the Neshama needs Korbonos to draw energy from Tohu to compensate for the wrong.
12b. Al Kein Kuru Layamim Aile’ Purim (ע”כ קראו לימים האלה פורים) 5713 (Muga) – Class Two
This is the Maamar connected with the story of Stalin’s death. Class Two. The second Shiur deals with the Maamar itself: 1) The comparison and difference between Yom Kipur and Purim (The Tikunei Zohar and the Torah Ohr), 2) Why Achashvairosh was not enough, 3) Haman’s choice in a Goral was right, 4) He…
12a. Al Kein Kuru Layamim Aile’ Purim (ע”כ קראו לימים האלה פורים) 5713 (Muga) – Class One
This is the Maamar connected with the story of Stalin’s death. Class One. This edited Maamar of the Rebbe (that is connected to the death of Stalin), addresses Goral and Bechira (Free Will). This Shiur overviews four levels of connection: 1) Reason, 2) Will (Achashvairosh in this Maamar), 3) Goral (all are equal), 4)…
14c. Vihecherim Havaya (והחרים) 5713 – Class Three
Vihecherim Havaya 5713 Class Three. This class begins with a 20 minute discussion of the Tzimtzum of Dibbur (that hides) and Machshava (that reveals a lower light and hides the truth).The events of קריעת ים סוף and the ideas of החרמת ים מצרים and the הנפת ידו על הנהר to split it correspond to the…
14b. Vihecherim Havaya (והחרים) 5713 – Class Two
Vihecherim Havaya 5713 Class Two.This class is about Torah Chadasha of Moshiach which is on the level of ראי’ חושית which is literally like נבואה.It is higher than “objective” learning where one is separate from the subject he is studying. It is also higher than subjective learning, which is true on higher levels, where the…
14a. Vihecherim Havaya (והחרים) 5713 – Class one
Vihecherim Havaya 5713 Class One.Yetzias Mitzrayim was so that we could get the Torah.Mattan Torah was the total ביטול הגזירה that אצילות should shine in the lowest worlds including ours, Krias Yam Suf is like the Chinuch (preliminary, short termed introduction) to this.He explains how Malchus separates, the Mashal used is speech; and how by…
16a. Ki Savou El HaAretz (כי תבואו אל הארץ) 5713 – Class One
Ki Savou El HaAretz 5713, Class One.Introduction: Livushim, different types and advantages and disadvantages.What is unusual about THIS Ma’amar. This Ma’amar sees Livushim not only as tools of Tzimtzum, to reduce the divine light, to allow for worlds that are more and more real, but also as a “חיבור,” that allows and facilitates the lower…
15b. Vayehi Bayom Hashmini (ויהי ביום השמיני) 5713 – Class Two
Vayehi Bayom Hashmini 5713, Class Two.This class is on the beginning and the end of the Ma’amar, why the day the Schechina moves in is called “the eighth day” that “took ten crowns.”It is the idea of Etzem.The כלי יקר based on the שו”ת הרשב”א about seven (היקף) and eight (שומר ההיקף).This is explained by…
15a. Vayehi Bayom Hashmini (ויהי ביום השמיני) 5713 – Class one
Vayehi Bayom Hashmini 5713, Class One.This Ma’amar is about the fact that the Shechina moved into the Mishkan on (Rosh Chodesh Nissan, which is called) “the Eighth Day” which “Took 10 Crowns”.Just like the event of Mattan Torah was unique that all Yidden were equal that day, similarly, the day the Shechina enters the Mishkan…
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