09b. Usfartem Lachem (וספרתם לכם התשי”א) 5711, Class Two.
09b. Usfartem Lachem (וספרתם לכם התשי”א) 5711, Class Two. This class is the beginning and the end of the מאמר. Why ספירה is counted from the day after the first day Pesach, though it says ממחרת השבת.
09a. Usfartem Lachem (וספרתם לכם התשי”א) 5711, Class One.
09a. Usfartem Lachem (וספרתם לכם התשי”א) 5711, Class One. This class begins with the three opinions whether ספירת העומר nowadays is מדאורייתא or מדרבנן. The רבינו ירוחם distinguishes between the count of days which he considers Biblical and the count of weeks which he considers Rabbinic. The class explores how this could be by explaining…
05b. V’Kibel Hayehudim (וקבל יהודים) Muga 5711 Class Two.
05b. V’Kibel Hayehudim (וקבל יהודים) Muga 5711 Class Two. Three levels 1) for us, 2) for God, 3) to join the two. 1) In Torah 2) learning Torah, 3) In learning Halacha, 4) In Mitzvos, 5) In doing Mitzvos. There’s another idea: that we are Bottul not by not existing, but in our existence and…
15b. Vehaya Eikev (והי’ עקב תשמעון) 5711, Class Two.
15b. Vehaya Eikev (והי’ עקב תשמעון) 5711, Class Two. Hiskashrus (tying) is lower than Dvaikus (cleaving) but it forms a stronger bond, as do Neshamos down here who are ‘black and beautiful’. The Possuk VeHaya Eikev, says that when Mitzvos are done on a heel level they create a bond that is higher than reason.
15a. Vehaya Eikev (והי’ עקב תשמעון) 5711, Class One.
15a. Vehaya Eikev (והי’ עקב תשמעון) 5711, Class One. The reason the Soul down in this world says to ‘Bnos Yerushalayim’ “I’m black and (but I’m) beautiful’ because down here there is a love of longing and fear rooted in the Mehus rather than (simply the nature of) the Etzem. How fear of G-d down…
03a. ViAile Hamishpatim (ואלה המשפטים) – 5711, Class One.
03a. ViAile Hamishpatim (ואלה המשפטים) – 5711, Class One. Moshe has the role of giving Da’as to ‘Zera Behaima’ (Yidden from BY”A) who lack Da’as on their own. The reason he can effectively give them the Da’as they lack is that they are (eved) Ivri, the source of their Neshama is from ‘the other side…
08c. Vayomer Lo Yehonason Machar Chodesh (ויאמר לו יהונתן מחר חדש) 5711, Class Three.
08c. Vayomer Lo Yehonason Machar Chodesh (ויאמר לו יהונתן מחר חדש) 5711, Class Three. Beginning and the end of this מחר חדש .מאמר means tomorrow Moshiach will come. This is why this is so important. The story is about inquiring whether the בירורים are complete and only שאול knows that. The arrows are symbols of…
12b. Shelach Lecha Anashim (שלח לך אנשים) 5711, Class Two.
12b. Shelach Lecha Anashim (שלח לך אנשים) 5711, Class Two. This מאמר Why does Moshe send the spies, considering that God left it up to him? He does so because he appreciates the need to provide a new נתינת כח for the entry into ארץ ישראל. But it doesn’t work out and יהושע brings them…
Basi Legani 5711 (Long Version) (06)
Chapters seven through nine 1) explain Histalkus (a great but lofty light is brought down) and 2) outline the mission of our (the “Seventh Generation)’s role in finalizing the coming of Moshiach.
Basi Legani 5711 (Long Version) (05)
Chapter six and seven address how positive extremism (Shtus diKedusha) affects the world in a most profound and good way.
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