Ma’amar Nasata Liraiecha Nes Lihisnoses (נתת ליראיך נס להתנוסס) 5711 – Perek One – 1
Nasata Liraiecha Nes Lihisnoses 5711, Class One, Perek One (1).IntroductionMesiras Nefesh in Russia and the idea of tests.
12. Pada BiShalom 5737 (3rd of three part Hemshech about Pada Bisahlom).
Pada BiShalom 5737 (3rd of three part Hemshech about Pada Bishalom), Class One.This Ma’amar seems to be a repeat of the Ma’amar of Shabbos (19 Kislev) before it, Katonti.The ideas of war and peace (Dovid, Shlomo, Moshiach) are discussed; as well as the ideas of Avoda (Iskafia, Ishapcha, NaRaN, Chaya and Yechida) are also repeated.And…
11. Katonti 5737 (2nd of three part Hemshech about Pada BiShalom)
Katonti 5737 (2nd of three part Hemshech about Pada BiShalom) Class One.Introduction to Maamar Katonti with transition from Pada BiShalom and explanation regarding the background of the Katonti Maamar.This class covers a very small part of this (rather long) Ma’amar; including only the very beginning and the very end. There are various levels of Shalom…
10. Pada BiShalom 5737 (First of three Ma’amarim in a Series) 10 Kislev.
Pada BiShalom 5737 (First of three Ma’amarim in a Series) 10 Kislev, Class One.Lavan’s Kiss and Yaakov’s JourneyThis is a maamar within a maamar. The “outer ring” (beginning and end) of the Ma’amar is based on the classic work of the Mitteler Rebbe by this name, it discusses the idea of Pada BiShalom, the issue…
08. VaHavaya Amar 5737
VaHavaya Amar 5737, Class One.This unique Ma’amar explores the two Ma’amarim of Parshas Vayera in the Hemshech Samach Vov, from the two years 5606 and 5607. Both of them deal with Hashem’ special love for Avrohom because of how he will raise his children.But there are differences.What emerges is this: the first Ma’amar speaks of…
09. ViAvrohom Zakain 5738 (Muga)
ViAvrohom Zakain 5738, Class One. Why does a Jew (who is a חלק אלוק ממעל) need Torah and Mitzvos?Answer: The Neshamah is אלקות שנעשה נברא (G-dliness that has become a creation (worldliness) whose connection is hidden (דביקות בלתי ניכר בכלים).This requires Torah and Mitzvos to change and reveal it’s G-dliness.They (Torah and Mitzvos) are in…
08. Lech Lecha 5738 (Muga)
Lech Lecha 5738.There are two journeys:1) From higher to lower; this is the journey of Avrohom to engage with the world; it is the journey of every Neshama as it descends from heaven to earth.This is also linked to the idea of ViYaakov Halach Lidarko after Tishrei.2) From lower to higher, from Avoda Zara to…
07. Mayim Rabim 5738 (Muga)
Mayim Rabim 5738.This single class ma’amar introduces revolutionary ideas about teshuva. The Alter Rebbe says that the “real reason” for the Neshama’s decent into this world is for Teshuva.In addition to understanding this basically (doing Teshuva after an error) there is the deeper idea: the very departure and return of the Neshama is a journey…
06. Breishis 5738 (Muga)
Breishis 5738.Two ideas:1) Don’t be afraid.2) Ohr Chadash. now the details: This Ma’amar goes on the (Possuk as interpreted by) the Midrash that addresses the question of why the Torah begins with the creation account rather than the Torah and Mitzvos.In short: Torah and Mitzvos reveal the light from before Tzimtzum, but Birurim reveals “Ohr…
05. Lihavin Inyan Simchas Torah 5738 (Muga)
Lihavin Inyan Simchas Torah 5738This Ma’amar is a Hemshech to the last one.The idea of “Achas” is continued here. The Rebbe adds that “Achas” is brought forward through Teshuva, which is above all limitations, including the limitations of time. After Tishrei the “Achas” comes down into our daily actions, not only Torah and Mitzvos but…
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