Basukos Tashvu 5738, Classes Three and Four.
Basukos Tashvu 5738, Class Three.Achas according to Kabbalah is higher than any association (directly or indirectly) to the world.Above the Tzimtzum, above the idea of Makom Hacholol, even above the idea of הוא ושמו בלבד, in other words Atzmus Himself is Achas.And every Jew even ordinary ones have access to “Achas” as we are rooted…
04. Basukos Tashvu 5738 (Muga)
Basukos Tashvu 5738, Class One.This Ma’amar was edited by the Rebbe at the time he said it in 5738, and was made public on Hoshana Rabba 5738, hours before the infamous heart attack he suffered then. This first class has three areas of questions:1) Understanding the Sukka2) Understanding the ד’ מינים the four kinds used…
02. Shuva Yisroel 5738
Shuva Yisroel 5738, Class One.This ma’amar is the second part of a hemshech (series) of threeincluding the Rosh Hashana maamar “Min HaMeitzer” (Out of Narrowness),“Shuva” (Return) on Parshas Ha’azinu (Kinehser).The essence of the Ma’amar is the need for Hashem to show us mercy, because we don’t know the extent of our own deficiency because we…
Kinesher Yair Kino 5738, Class Two.
Kinesher Yair Kino 5738, Class Two.There are three times for teshuva in RaMbaM: 1) all the time, 2) the ten days of Teshva, 3) Yom Kippur (is the zenith of Teshuva).These three mirror the three levels of 1) כנשר יעיר כינו and 2) על גוזליו ירחף and 3) יפרוש כנפיו יקחהו ישאהו על אברתו.They are…
03. Kinesher Yair Kino 5738
Kinesher Yair Kino 5738, Class One.This is a המשך to the two Ma’amarim before it.All three share the presumption that Jews are on a very high level and still have much to do to the extent that it is a big “רחמנות” on them; meaning compared to where they should be the situation they’re in…
01. Min Hameitzar 5738
Min Hameitzar 5738, Class 1: This introduction to the ma’amar covers the Rebbe’s array ofquestions, essentially asking, “If life of every Yid going inot Rosh Hashana is so good (as ChaZaL say) how is it possible for a person to cry ‘Min Ha Meitzar’ (from a place of narrowness and being squeezed)?” A person cries…
46. Ze Hayom 5737 (Erev Rosh Hashana 5738)
Ma’amar Ze Hayom 5737 Erev Rosh HaShana (2 classes) Ma’amar Ze Hayom 5737 Erev Rosh HaShana, Class One.Part 1 of this ma’amar addresses the classic question of why more of an issue is made of the creation of man than of creation itself.The answer, of course is that man fulfills the point of creation.The analysis…
46. Vihaya Ki Savo 5738
Maamar Vihaya Ki Savo 5738Self-Transformation Through Torah and Mitzvos(originally the Rebbe taught this ma’amar on Chai Elul on a Wednesday)0:00 – 7:20 Intro thoughts on the founding of Tomchei T’mimim on 17 ElulThis maamar on Parshas Ki Savo – the inner meaning of the following 4 ideas and their order is analyzed.1. Eretz Yisrael is…
39. Lo Hayu Yamim Tovim 5740
Lo Hayu Yamim Tovim 5740.This maamar originally came out as a sicha but was re-issued on 3 Tammuz 2020 as a maamar on the mishnah “Lo Hayu Yamim Tovim l’Yisrael K’Chasmisha Asar B’Av U Ki Yom Ha Kippurim”. The Rebbe presented many maamarim on this mishnah. In this version there is a correspondence drawn between…
45. Hashamayim Kisii 5738
Maamar HaShayim-Kisi-5738“Shamayim” (Heaven) is Hashem’s chair and the “Aretz” (Earth) is Hashem’s footstool. What does this mean? Heaven is like a chair which brings Him down to the worlds.Earth is like a footstool that raises the world up to Him.Spiritually this is Torah (heaven) and Yidden (earth).However each of the two are the (collective) purpose…
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