
38. Yehi Hashem Elokainu 5738

Yehi Hashem Elokainu 5738, Class One.There are two levels:1) The idea that Yidden are naturally one with Him כי חלק הוי’ עמו and even this involves “work” to reveal. That work is חלקי הוי’ אמרה נפשי and the Midrash אנא נסיב מלכא as well as any act of Yiddishkeit being מסירת נפש2) The idea of…

40. Ze Hayom Usa Hashem 5738 (12 Tamuz)

Ze HayomUsa Hashem 5738 (12 Tamuz) Class One.In Miracles there are two outstanding characteristics: 1) greater vs smaller miracles 2) more impact-full vs less impact-full miracles.As it turns out, smaller miracles are (more believable and therefore are) more impact-full than greater ones. So… which is preferred? (The answer will, be in the next class). Ze…

37. Shlach Lecha 5738

Shlach Lecha 5738This Ma’amar tells the story of the Miraglim (the spies) and pays almost no attention to their sin.Instead this Ma’amar explains that the mission of the Miraglim (the spies) was the second step (after Mattan Torah and “ביטול הגזירה” which is the first step) towards entering Eretz Yisroel and elevating it.This required an…

Chazara (oral recitation) of the Ma’amar Viatta Titzaveh

5771 Johannesburg South AfricaAn English rendition of the Maamar (from ch. 4 onward) recited on 3 Tamuz 5771 in Johannesburg South Africa. 12 points. These two classes overview this Maamar using twelve quotes from its text that reveal its incredible chidushim (novel ideas). These two classes were given at Yeshiva Gedola in Melbourne Australia in…

Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla, Perek 11.

Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla, Perek 11, Class 40.The question of אלקות that comes after the צמצום and that goes into כלים דאצילות vs. אוא”ס as it is by itself.The basic answer is that all levels of אלקות are אלקות due to the principles of אור מעין המאור and חזר והאיר etc.We began explaining it more,…

Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla, Perek 10.

Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla, Perek 10, Class 31.Beginning of Perek 10, YichudimStory of the Ba’al Shem Tov (the letter to Reb Gershon Kitiver) about Moshiach’s coming depending on two things: 1) Yichudim, 2) כשיפוצו מעינותיך חוצה.The Ba’al Shem Tov’s tears and the Alter Rebbe and Reb Boruch of Mezibuzh.Ta’amei HaMitzvos:1) מדות טובות2) דיעות נכונות3) יחודיםto…

36. Moshe Kibel Torah MiSinai 5738

Moshe Kibel Torah MiSinai 5738, Class One.The idea of Torah being a gift from Hashem to us, so why does it say Moshe Kibel rather than Hakadosh Baruch Hu Nasan?Answer: because only Moshe could get the Torah.He is Chochma and can get and hold the Ohr and Sechel of Torah in its entirety.This is explained…

Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla, Perek 09.

Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla, Perek 9, Class 26.The unanswered question in the שו”ת הריב”ש from ר’ שמשון דקינון ז”ל: even if Kabalah and Kabalah meditations are true and consistent with halacha- why bother with it if we can be “simple” with G-d?The answer lies in the idea of שבחים (of Hashem and Tzadikim). The concept…

35. Vayedaber Hashem 5738 (a Shavuos Ma’amar)

Vayedaber Hashem 5738 (a Shavuos Ma’amar) Class One. This is the second part of the Hemshech.In this Ma’amar the idea of לאמור is continued from the precious Ma’amar, but a different idea is introduced: that it is critical to speak Torah with one’s mouth, because it brings from the highest high to the lowest low.אנכי…

34. Bisha’a Shehikdimu 5738 (Shavuos related)

Bisha’a Shehikdimu 5738(The first of a two part Hemshech connected to Shavuos 5738)The days leading up to Shavuos great things happened.A) Rosh Chodesh, 1) Three is the number of Torah 2) ביום הזה revelation 3) מדבר סיני the challenge and the opportunity, 4) ויחן שם ישראל כאי אחד בלב אחדB) 5 Sivan the Geirus and…