32. Tanya Amar Rav Yosi… Zimna Chada 5738
Tanya Amar Rav Yosi… Zimna Chada 5738(This is a little different than most Ma’amaroim on this Zohar).RaShbI caused rain through Torah on the Possuk הנה מה טוב ומה נעים שבת אחים גם יחד only after his students came to him.Why this Possuk? (Because it has all of Hishtalshelus in it.)Why his students? Because they caused…
31. Lihavin Inyan Pesach Sheni 5738 (Mugga)
Lihavin Inyan Pesach Sheni 5738This class makes Iyar higher than Nissan, and Pesach Sheini higher than Pesach Rishon.There are four ideas: 1) Iskafia, this is the “escape” from Mitzrayim in Nissan, birur Milmata LiMaala.2) Ishapcha, this is in Iyar during Sefiras HaOmer when we transform our character, Birur MilMaala Limata; This is the level of…
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla, Perek 03
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla Perek 3, Class 10.The entire Perek was read inside, and relying on much that was explained in Perek 2, we finished this Perek in this one class.The issue: how is G-dliness both not Hashem at all (התפשטות) and absolutely Him (ממש) at the same time.In other words: what is G-dliness and…
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla, Perek 02
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla Perek 2, Class 5.The Tzemach Tzedek begins the issue of להפשיט הדברים מגשמיותן to settle the difficulty of limbs, faculties and moods (כלפי מעלה).The first idea is not to understand the Anthropomorphic forms as anything but a Mashal. Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla Perek 2, Class 6.The second idea of להוציא דברים…
30. UviRashei Chadsheichem 5738 (Hemshech to Kimei Tziascha) a Rosh Chodesh Ma’amar.
UviRashei Chadsheichem 5738 (Hemshech to Kimei Tziascha) Class One.Introduction: What is Mussaf? above Histalshelus.The mention of יציאת מצרים even after Moshiach some is due to some unique property of the initial Geula: the struggle!This will be special even then. Why Yidden ran away and won’t run when Moshiach comes. UviRashei Chadsheichem 5738, Class Two.This class…
29. Kimei Tzaischa… Arenu Nuflaos 5738
Kimei Tzaischa… Arenu Nuflaos 5738, Class One.The Ma’amar is built around two definitions of אראנו נפלאותFirst Deffinition (Tzemach Tzedek) נפלאות- miracles concealed in nature; אראנו- are revealed.Second Definition (Mitteler Rebbe) נפלאות- the supernatural that dazzles and overwhelms and therefore isn’t understood or sustained with us is אראנו- revealed, where טבע holds למעלה מהטבע because when…
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla, Perek 01 and Introduction.
Mitzvas Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilla Class One. Introduction:The tradition of simple faith was supplanted by philosophical questioning and the גדולי ישראל answered with a Jewish version of Philosophy.In short: the idea that דברה תורה בלשון בני אדם and הכל משל ומליצה resolved the questions of anthropomorphism.When Kabbala came along and turned in the other direction, not…
28. Bichol Dor Vador 5738
Bichol Dor Vador 5738 Class One.This Ma’amar will be divided into two classes:Class one the meaning of Mitzrayim.There are two broad categories of what is מצרים, but they’re in two more basic categories:Category One: מצרים means narrowness and limitation. 1) The physical and spiritual limitations we must overcome. 2) The idea of מיצר מי the…
27. Ki Yishalcha 5738 Acharon Shel Pesach)
Ki Yishalcha 5738 (Class One)This first class (on this most complex of Ma’amarim) is the heart (center or Biur) of the Ma’amar as a whole. [Chapters 4-7].The three levels of עדות חוקים משפטים are explored here.In Pshat the oreder should be משפטים חוקים עדותBut here the Possuk orders them differently: עדות חוקים משפטים and the…
26. Vayedaber… Zos Chukas 5738 (Parshas Para Ma’amar)
Vayedaber… Zos Chukas 5738Para Aduma is like Teshuva transforming the evil itself to good.מי יתן טמא מטהור The strong connection between Para Aduma and Yom Kippur.It is Ratzoi Vashois Klali on the level of Chakika. Para Aduma is being ready למשמרת to bring someone to Teshuva.
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