
Lehavin… Ze Hayom Techillas Maasecha 5713.

Class One. Chapters 2-3 explain how the Neshama is in the Tzelem and Dimus of G-dliness allowing her to experience one of several levels of Achdus. Sin however, cuts this inspiration source off. Then the Neshama needs Korbonos to draw energy from Tohu to compensate for the wrong. Class Two. Questions and answers. Though Korbonos…

Hayom HaRas Olom 5713.

Class One. Maamar Hayom Haras Olom 5713 part one. Maase is the end of lifnei haTzimtzum and Machshava means Atzilus. All year only Sof Maase [Kav] comes into Atzilus, on Rosh Hashana Techilas Maasecha [Ohr Lifnei HaTzimtzum that is the mekor for Olomos and higher] also comes down until Asiya. Machshava is Atzilus [explanation: Koach…

Kvod Malchuscha 5712.

The process of creation is About Gevuros, but then the Gevuros must be sweetened to reveal Hashem’s Melucha in the world. This is the difference between 25 Elul and Rosh Hashana. Every year Hashem resigns and His kingship renewed not from words alone, but from words accompanied by deeds (of Shofar). Tekiya (powerful) Shvurim (breaking…

Atem Nitzavim 5748.

The source of Yidden’s power to recrown Hashem as King (Lifnei Havaya).

Atem Nitzavim 5747.

Commentary on this Maamar in Likutei Torah. [klal vs. Pshitus].

Sos Asis BaHavaya 5746.

The Possuk Sos Asis puts the simcha of Sukkos before the Yirah of the Yamim Noraim, though it comes later chronologically, because the point of it all is the Simcah (revelation). Rosh Hashana is renewal and on sukkos it is revealed.

Atem Nitzuvim 5745.

Atem Nitzuvim means we are being helped to stand. The Koach comes simply from reading the Torah. However, we must also work to remember the covenant, through Malchiyos (Kabbalas Ol), Zichronos (remembering the Bris) and Shofros (action and Ta’anug).

Atem Nitzavim 5744.

Rosh Hashanah we go from the ‘prat’ (detail) to the ‘Klal’ (unity). Afterwards from the Klal, (the general) back to the details (Torah and Mitzvos) and when Moshiach comes we’ll go finally from the ‘prat’ (details) to the (ultimate) ‘klal’ (general inclusiveness).

שוש אשיש בהוי’ תשמ”ג

Three pesukim from the haftorah of the last shabbos of the year encompass all of time: שוש אשיש בהוי’ תגל נפשי באלוקי represents the Hidden Joy of Rosh Hashana and the revealed Joy of Sukkos. The Ma’amar explores why the Joy of Rosh Hashana is happy in spite of the awe- because we are crowning…

שוש אשיש ה’תשמ”ב.

All aspects of this Possuk are explained. Both joys are connected to Rosh Hashana. The basis for the discussion is the idea that on Rosh Hashana we bring something truly new down into the world.