
והי’ כי תבא תשמ”ג

Of all Korbanos, Bikurim is represented by Tefilla the best, because it has the two aspects, of a sacrifice, and of a return. It is connected to the Land of Eretz Yisroel that also has the two ideas 1) running to Hashem, 2) settling and living there.

היום הזה ה’תשמ”א.

This מאמר discuses the Bracha and thanksgiving associated with divine blessing especially in Eretz Yisroel. However, the darker the period prior to the entry into Eretz Yisroel the more uplifted id the blessing of Eretz Yisroel.

Ki Teitzei 5745.

Class One. One must engage in the war of birurim, and go out with a winning attitude, and then Hashem gives us victory. The victory is also ours and we elevate sparks taking back what was K’dusha in the first place. After the basic Birur and elevation we must refine it, even to the extent…

Zachor 5743.

(Parshas Zachor Maamar). ‘The road’ from Egypt means our relationship with Hashem. Before we arrive at Mattan Torah the road leads us to confront the opposition, some is raised up- Yisro. Some is destroyed- Amalaik. Though Amalaik is our ‘brother’ and Yisro is only ‘our neighbor’.

Ki Seitzei Lamilchama 5731.

The Milchama for us is Tefila. Each word in this Possuk and their apparent questions reflect the war of spiritual growth and ascent perfectly.

שופטים ושוטרים ה’תשמ”א.

The basis for this מאמר is the ש”ך על התורה’s idea that it refers to the gates on the body of the person. There are two ideas what the gates are. 1) All seven are in the face and head. 2) The gates are in the entire body. The Rebbe wonders what is the reason…

Ani Lidodi 5747 (2).

This maamar explains that the two Maamarim ”Ani Ledodi” in Likutei Torah explain the revelation of the thirteen midos Harachamim in the order of “Klal Prat uKlal”.

Ani Lidodi 5747 (1).

This Maamar explains the idea of “Melech BaSade’” for those who haven’t sinned. Those who have are in the Midbar from where they find Hashem (uvikashtem Misham) and it is “tzorech aliya”.

Ani Lidodi 5746.

Elul is the heart, seeing the face of the king which gives so much and nothing at all. Why Ani Ledodi is connected to parshas Re’ei (seeing) and there is no Shoftim (judgement) in Likutei Torah of Elul.