15. Yehuda Ata 5738 (Muga)
15. Yehuda Ata 5738This Maamar has two parts:Part One: Yehuda (Hoda’a) can only come after Reuvain, Shimon, and Levi (we connected it to last week, where Yosef is before Yehuda). Only after giluyim can Etzem be revealed.We tied this to Talmud and Ma’aseh Gadol.Part Two: though the Hoda’a is only revealed after Giluyim, it is…
14. Mitzvasa Mishetishka Hachama 5738 (Muga)
Mitzvasa Mishetishka Hachama 5738Class One:This Ma’amar is Hemshech from the previous one.The Rebbe is discussing the idea of transforming darkness to light.In this Ma’amar the Rebbe explains (based on a Gemara) that whatever is in Klipa is in Kedusha first. He gives three examples:1) The setting sun in Kedusha is the transference from Atzilus to…
Who builds the 3rd Beis Hamikdosh
Class 1: Who builds the 3rd Beis Hamikdosh? Discussion between Rashi, Rambam, Tosfos. Class 2: 2nd explanation A) We merited. B) He will add a higher light. Class 3: 3rd and 4th explanation. Clear vs unclear prophesy in Yechezkial. Class 4: Different types of Iserusa Dileila (heavenly inspiration.) Machlokes about 3rd Beis Hamikdosh. Class 5:…
Hayom Yom 22 Tamuz (Class 2)
(Class 2):This Class has an introduction about the upcoming 19 Kislev, the Farbrengen and the traditions.The connection between this introduction and our Hayom Yom is the idea of Avoda, the basis for the “light” of Chassidus is the work.There’s the Work (Avoda) and the light (the Ma’amar Chassidus) that follows the work.This entry speaks to…
Mitzvas Minui Melech, Perek 3
Minui Melech Perek 3, Class Eighteen:This is the introduction to the issue of Melech HaMoshaich.The question is why need a King after Moshaich comes if all Yidden are on a high enough level not to need discipline. The answer will be that Moshiach will be (needed as) a Rav (teacher).In Hil Moshiach it is clear…
13. Tanu Rabbanan Ner Chanuka 5738 (Muga)
Tanu Rabbanan Ner Chanuka 5738The issue of Chanuka, was an attack on the Soul (purity and holiness) of Yiddishkeit. It didn’t mind the Torah as long as it was intellectual, and Mitzvos were ok, as culture without Him C”V. The Mesiras Nefesh came from Yechida, completely removed from reason, and is one where one seems…
Minui Melech Perek 2, Class 17
Class Seventeen: this continues the previous class. Dovid has the Kesser (crown) of Malchus, this makes it truly his, no one else could really have had it. Yet Shaul had to come first, like Yosef then Yehuda, first Talmud and then Maaseh, first Giluyim and then Atzmus. Shaul was higher but it (realistically) wouldn’t be…
הודו classes continue
הודו להוי’ קראו בשמו Class Eight. This class explores Pesukim 5-7. The beginning of what Hashem does for Yidden, זכרו נפלאותיו אשר עשה מופתיו ומשפטי פיהו three different types of miracles, the greatest of which is the miracle of the (world following the) Torah משפטי פיהו. It reaches great Jews who are his servants ישראל…
Minui Melech Perek 2 Class 16
Dovid’s Malchus was his essence, no one could have been the kind of king he was. The Mashal of Yosef and Yehuda, the latter is Bittul.
Minui Melech Chapter 2, Class 15
Class Fifteen: Yosef gave Dovid 33 years, they represent two ideas: the intellect (connected with the world) (30) and the emotions (7). The 37 years of Dovid are (in a real way) the most important for the actual governing the people, even more than the years of Avrohom and Ya’akov. All aspects of his person…
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