
Mitzvas Minui Melech, Perek 2, Class 14

Class Fourteen: Ya’akov gave Dovid 28 years, this is the idea of Tiferes. Because the 28 are the מילוי ומילוי דמילוי of שם הוי’ה. The Milui has a higher source than the name itself, thus the כח אדנ”י is higher than אדנ”י itself. The Mashal of Moshe bentching Hashem to add crowns to the Torah’s…

12. Shalom Rav 5738 (Muga)

Ma’amar Shalom Rav 5738 Class One: There are six Pesukim in the Gemara אמר רב אלעזר אמר רבי חנינא we will discuss (only) the first two. תלמידי חכמים מרבים שלום בעולם… וכל בניך לימודי הוי’… אל תקרי בניך אלא בוניך. This Possuk is about bringing peace to the world, revealing Atzmus and making a Dirah…

Minui Melech Perek 2, Class 13

Class Thirteen: Yitzchok and Dovid are Hard judgement (Yitzchok) and soft judgement (Dovid), but in this Ma’amar soft judgement is harder than hard judgement because it is a different world (BiY”A) that cannot handle the judgement. Avrohom gives Dovid 5 years, kindness, so he can live.

11. Pada Bishalom 5738 (19 Kislev) (Muga)

Pada Bishalom 5738 (19 Kislev) Class One: This class has two very important introductions, that, it seems, are new ideas that the Rebbe focused on more after 5738 (especially the one about Teshuva). Introduction one: The Rebbe speaks about the purpose of creation being Teshuva, and in this itself there are two ideas. One: the…

Mitzvas Minui Melech, Perek 2

Minui Melech, Class 7 Dovid is different than all other kings. His Romemus (=being a Neshama Klolis) is not only in the aspect of Melucha (Romemus) but in every faculty: his mind, heart etc. This makes Dovid altogether above other Kings. Class 8: This class was almost entirely lecture (very little text). The issue was…

07. Pada BiShalom 5739 (Muga) A 9 Kislev Ma’amar

Pada BiShalom 5739 (Muga) A Tes Kislev Ma’amar Class One: This class is on the Biur (heart) of the Ma’amar. First we review (orally) the levels of NaRaN (Hilabshus and struggle,) Chaya (Struggle but no direct meeting, meaning no Hislabshus,) and Yechida (No Hislabshus, no struggle as there is no opposition). Then inside, why even…

06. Amar Rav Acha Yafa Sichoson 5739

Amar Rav Acha Yafa Sichoson 5739 The union of Yitzchok and Rivkah takes up so much space in Torah because it is the basis for all of Yiddishkeit: Yichud M”A and BA”N. By Yitzchok and Rivkah it is only spiritual, but by us it is (also) physical. Every Mitzvah really is a Yichud M”A and…

Mitzvas Minui Melech, Perek 1

Mitzvas Minui Melech, Perek 1 Class One: Introduction. 1) The RaMbaM (Hilchos Melachim Perek 4, Halacha 10): The role of the King was to strengthen Yiddishkeit and protect the people. The question is only which came first safety (wars) or Yiddishkeit. 2) The power of the King was much greater than the Sanhedrin and the…

Mitzvas Lo Sisna and Ahavas Yisroel Perek 2

Perek 2, Class 9 The idea of loving and not hating, and not even thinking hateful thoughts. Tanya Iggeres HaKodesh 23 נא ונא וכו’ ואיש את רעת רעיהו אל תחשבו וכו’ כמחשבת עבודה זרה ממש Rambam does say it positive (הלכות דיעות פרק ו’ הלכה ד) but Hillel and Chassidus see a point in the…

05. Braishis 5739

Braishis 5739 Class One: This class explains the “Shlichus” we take from Tishrei to bring Him with us into the everyday. The Ba’al Shem Tov taught that the meaning of the Possuk בראשית ברא אלוקים, is to reveal the reason for the Tzimtzum of Elokim. This will teach you how important Kavana is. Because he…